Hope he's alright. [hider=Ordo Malleus Inquisitor][b]Name[/b]: Hieronymus Fletch [b]Age[/b]: 67 [b]Gender[/b]: M [b]Role[/b]: Inquisitor [b]Ordos[/b]: Malleus [b]Appearance[/b]: Brown hair cropped short, with grey eyes and scarred face, Heironymus cuts an impressive and stately visage. He has broad shoulders and is finely cut in his physique, though his skin is now growing weathered from the years and battles. He dons the typical Inquisitor apparel, a holy symbol upon his chest and a harsh, observant look upon his iron eyes. [hider=Picture in his youth fighting Tau forces][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/a0fe3eb9277d8188d10aa42dde417946/tumblr_o7m3ugV4UH1sx8o26o1_540.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Justice, faith, and knowledge would be the three words to describe Heironymus. He has an unyielding sense of truth and punishment, undeterred by the vast array of forces he must face. Long years as an inquisitor have made him very calculating and well read, his wisdom growing with each successful (and sometimes unsuccessful) mission. He's not above finding cynical humor, and appreciate comradeship with his fellow inquisitors or any Imperial guard/Astartes he must work with. [b]History[/b]: Born as a native to Cadia, he was adopted into the military and took to it as a fish takes to water. He decided to make it his career, and saw his first campaign against rebels in a nearby system, shutting them down quickly and effortlessly. Or so it seemed, until from the blood of those he and his comrades had killed rose a Demon of Khorne. It took their psycker and all of their weapons combined to defeat it. It was a fight he'd never forget. His next campaign saw him and his fellows taking on the Tau, vying over a planet that eventually needed to be given an exterminatus. Despite the obvious Xenos threat, Hieronymus was certain that the powers of chaos must have been the ones pulling the strings, convinced from his fight with the demon that they were the single greatest threat to the galaxy. Hieronymus began questioning captured Xenos on their motivations for trying to conquer the planet. The Inquisitor that ordered the exterminatus heard rumors of the soldier's zealous hatred to the Demon kind and observed him for a time, before being convinced that the Cadian would make a fine Inquisitor. 35 years, various campaigns, hundreds of books, and foiled Demonic plots later, Hieronymus is now an adept and dangerous member of the Inquisition. [b]Philosophy[/b]: Puritan [b]Skills & Abilities[/b]: Skilled at melee and ranged. Investigatory skills. Well read and knowledgeable. [b]Retinue Members[/b]: None at this time. [b]Equipment[/b]: [list] [*]Bolt Pistol (with blessed rounds) [*]Blessed Power Sword [*]Frag Grenades [*]Krak Grenades [*]Psyk-out Grenades [*]Holy Book of the Imperium [/list] [b]Miscellaneous[/b]: WIP [b]Relationships with Other Characters[/b]: WIP [/hider]