[@Zenphilvian] Cool, thanks. [hider=Liisi Avedarci] Name: Liisi Avedarci Age: 17 Talent: Ultimate Chef Height/Weight: 5'5" (165cm) / 130lbs (59kg) Appearance: Liisi is considered to be rather average in height and weight, with a stable BMI of 23. She has a slender frame, and a slightly thicker neck than most. Her build makes it easy for her to move around swiftly, as though she was a streamlined boat or plane. Her legs are an average length, making up for a good portion of her height, but her waist is slightly longer than most expect. She has dainty fingers with neatly cut back nails, a must for anyone working in a kitchen. Her complexion is rather pale, making Liisi have a slightly doll-like look. The only hint of colour would be the peachy tint her skin has, either in cold weather or whilst flustered. Because of her skintone, the colour in her skin shows quickly, so even things such as a temperature drop of a couple degrees can cause a tint. The girl has ovular eyes, narrowing slightly towards the inner corner. Their dark green colour adds to her mysterious charm, making her eyes look like glass when they reflect the light. Her hair is dyed a coral pink, and left to be in its natural slightly-waved state. [hider=Image] [img]https://yt3.ggpht.com/-r7dzLkhhBro/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/iutGAxBE3ow/s900-c-k-no-rj-c0xffffff/photo.jpg[/img] [/hider] Wardrobe: Liisi usually wears plain clothing, due to often making a mess in the kitchen. Her hair is almost always tied to the side messily with a wine red ribbon, and occasionally tied back with said accessory. On top, the girl usually adorns a plain white tanktop with a cherry pink chiffon blouse layered on top. On the bottom, she settles for some jeans or canvas pants, as she's not really picky. Personality: Gentle and kind is what people usually think of when they meet Liisi. She always has a smile on her face, and greets people like any friendly person would. She is well-versed in social etiquette, knowing when it's polite to talk, listen, or laugh along. This, coupled with her dolly appearance, is the perfect formula for a perfect girl. Oh how wrong that is. In reality, Liisi is a nightmare to be around. When she hasn't eaten for an extended period of time, she gets cranky. When she eats badly made food, she goes on a rampage. Anything to do with food or cooking, she's bound to be frustrated by. Feeling most at home in a kitchen, she gets antsy and easily irritable when she hasn't been in one for an amount of time. She's inpatient and bratty, often going so far as to threaten to poison someones food if they don't cooperate with her. When she does get along with people, it's never for long, as her dark sense of sarcastic humour often drives anyone willing to put up with her other flaws away. As if that wasn't bad enough, she almost always refuses to eat food cooked by anyone else, out of paranoia of food poisoning. Despite all of that, anyone who can tolerate her is rewarded with a lifetime subscription of delicious meals, all for free. Her expertise means they'll never have to life in fear of salmonella again, but instead, a meat cleaver. If that's your kind of life, then Liisi is the friend for you! In all seriousness, she can be a very good and rewarding friend to anyone who can stick with her long enough. She may be brutal, and bratty, and annoyed half the time... But, although she will never grow out of her kitchen-loving ways, she'll be a loyal friend and give honest opinions. Just don't take her out of the kitchen and you'll be fine. Likes: Cooking, Food, Grocery Shopping, Kitchens no matter where they are, Cooking utensils (Knives, Cleavers, Rolling pins...), and has a special love of Macarons. Dislikes: Other people cooking, Rotten food, Reading, Microwaves, TV and Sport. Trivia: Liisi's parents are Norwegian and Italian, and her name 'Liisi' is a norweigan nickname for 'Elizabeth'. They moved to the USA when Liisi was a small child. Her blood type is A. She finds it easier to get along with people with the same dark humour as her. She doesn't believe in Luck. She often stereotypes people based on their appearances. Willingness to become a victim: 4. [/hider] [@Haru Nyan] [s]i'm always free for mocking people[/s] I mean, mocking people isn't fun. What's cool is being nice. Although despair is also mighty amusing.