[hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmY4ZmYxNC5UR1Z2Ym1FZ1UyOXVadywsLjAA/eutemia-i.italic.png[/img] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2r8wcfEX21qi8tnho4_500.gif[/img] Location: The beach, her hotel room, the main room. Interactions: herself, Maurice[/center][hr][hr][center] Leona smiled softly at seeing Kosuke, Victor and Avira introduce themselves, only to see Kosuke bump himself into a palm tree. He seemed so silly now that she thought about it, who would introduce themselves the then bump into a palm tree of all things?! That was weird… But who was she to complain, everyone had their bad points. Then she heard Clementine introduce herself along with Christian. Now that she thought about it. A ton of the men were absolutely adorable, she couldn’t wait for it to finally start. But first she was rushed into the hotel room by wadsworth himself and she had to go to her room immediately. She didn’t know what to do immediately but she knew that the first thing she could do was typically, get ready. That is what she done. She quickly put on a tank top with some black jeans and a rock-ish belt before doing her boyish hair. [color=yellow]“Ugghh…”[/color] she mumbled, she didn’t know who she had to be with. Nor did she know if they were already there being early and would try to make her appear late, but she checked the time anyway and noticed she had half an hour left. She decided when she had five minutes remaining she will go for it. Sighing softly she didn’t know how her date will react to her, will they tell her to go away because she looked like a boy?? No, of course they won’t. If they say something of the sort she will just tell them to eff on and get a life. With minutes to Spare, Leona ran into the main room and she looked around. She didn’t know who she had to be with right now. But after looking for her table she gulped and looked up to see Maurice. This was way out of her comfort zone. She needed to try adjust herself and this will now be the time to greet her first date. [color=yellow]“Urrgh… Hi.”[/color] She greeted the man [color=yellow]“Seems I am your first date. I am Leona”[/color] She introduced herself once more as she sat herself down on the wooden chair that seemed unusually comfy, but it was a very wobbly chair too, this could make her break the chair if she wasn’t lucky. [color=yellow]“So, what’s up??”[/color][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmE0ZDM4ZC5TMjl6ZFd0bElFRnJhWGxoYldFLC4w/subway-ticker.regular.png[/img] [img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/e87af25cff9445f31ec52e917cc28a2a/tumblr_nu9n5vkt9j1qljj29o4_540.gif[/img] [color=b9f2ff]Location:[/color] The beach, his room, main room [color=b9f2ff]Interactions:[/color]His friend by text[/center][hr][hr][center]Seems he was a very lucky man. Nobody seemed to have noticed the fact that he bumped into a palm tree apart from one girl called Leona. Sighing softly he got himself back on track and followed the others as they were forcefully taken to the hotel room. Kosuke finally entered his room, seemed he was next door to the girl that took the piss out of him by giving him weird looks. But that’s fine. He just had to deal with things, he had a date to get ready for and he didn’t even want to. He didn’t come here to get ready for lovers, he came here to have fun. [color=b9f2ff]“Why did my friends do this…”[/color] He sighed softly. He finally got out his PS2 and quickly set it up to the tv before texting one of his friends. [i][color=b9f2ff]yo, might I ask why I am in a DATING TRIP?!?!?!?![/color][/i] Sending this he sighed softly and played his ps2 for half an hour before getting ready, actually. He will just go as he is. He couldn’t be bothered, he didn’t expect to fall in love so what’s the point trying to scrub up before it?? He took a good look at his room once more before leaving. It seemed to be a very cosy room indeed, he just hopes that there will be nothing disturbing his gaming time after all of this. Not that he most likely will be disturbed by anything apart from dying on a boss level or something on Dark Cloud. Finally trudging himself to the moon room. The Japanese guy looked for his seat and immediately sat down in fears of tripping over. Avira… seems she isn’t around yet, but that’s ok. He can wait for the girl.[/center]