[color=Red][h1]Argus Leandros[/h1][/color] Argus gritted his teeth as he was chastised by Sanders, his grip tightening on his weapon as he considered telling the old shit exactly what he thought of his damn opinion. However, before he did anything he might regret, he channeled more energy into his blade, causing it to glow ever so slightly. He took a few deep breaths and nodded towards the man, not trusting himself to speak at this moment because, in all honesty, he was actually getting pissed with all of this bullshit. That idiot of an Oni blows their cover with his outburst, and yet he was the one who got in trouble, and for what, telling him to hold his fucking horses for a bit and think. As the other member came over, he resisted the urge to send a death glare his way, just deciding to go along with it and head over to the city gates. [color=00aeef]. . .It's okay.[/color] Argus nearly jumped as he felt the girl's tingling touch and quiet voice, holding back a sting of curses as he channeled more energy into his weapon. He took another deep breath to calm himself, and quickly took his hand away from the strange girl, not really caring if the action was rude or not. [color=Red]There's nothing okay about anything. This place is a miserable shithole and it's making it hard to get a handle on my magic, which is already problematic enough in it's own right as it is? Do you know how annoying it is when it's impossible to keep your cool unless everyone else in the room choose to stay calm as well."[/color] He spoke in a slightly harsh tone, only looking at her from the corner of his eye as his now free hand clenched into a fist. For a split-second, the skin seemed to darken ever so slightly, the lines of his veins being outlined in deep red, but the affliction vanished as soon as it appeared. [color=Red]"Look, I'm going to look around for something to do for the day in the surrounding area. If I'm lucky, I can find something I can take my anger out on, cause storing it all in my blade is only going to work for so long. If you guys want to follow, I won't stop you, but don't expect me to be the most amiable of travel companions right now." By this point, they had passed by Isla and Ashlyn and were approaching the gates of Belka. Argus would continue on his way out of the town, going out into the wilds by himself if need be in order to relieve himself of his extra baggage. Whether that turned out to be the guild he had found himself stuck in was decision to be made when he was in a less easily agitated state of mind. [@Lugubrious][@hatakekuro][@Lunarlors][@Zarkun][@Liferusher] [h1]Nidhogg[/h1] "Oh, that's an adorable action, Manami-chan. I had no idea you were so pure. If that's the reaction I can expect out of you, then maybe I should dress this way more often." Nidhogg chuckled as he noticed how the water saint covered her eyes, though this was interrupted by Jane throwing clothes at his head before giving him what she must've considered an insult. "Why thank you, Jane, I do try my level best to ruin you and Maxie's every waking moment." His fun was interrupted, of course, by Maxie's attempt to intimidate him, something he should've realized was pointless by now, just as Nidhogg had realized a long time ago. Nidhogg simply did it to bother or goad the man when he was bored and wanted to have a fun brawl from time to time. But when he tried to use his inept sister as a threat, Nidhogg couldn't help but laugh out loud at the thought of Jane being a threat to him. "Ah, Maxie, I must say that you're quite the kidder. How would she be taking my head, exactly, when I'm pretty sure she can't use the restroom without you their to help her through it. Not to mention that I have a rather simple way to incapacitate her . . ." And suddenly, Nidhogg's shoulder exploded into a shower of red and gore, spattering a good portion of the room in blood, focused mainly on Maxie and Jane, though Manami and Shiro were mostly spared from the experience. As the wound healed up, Nidhogg kept a smile on his face as he took the clothes that Jane had given him and started to put them on, taking off the loin cloth for a moment to leave him fully nude as he put on the pants, followed by a simple shirt. Both were black in color, which made it really hard to see any of the bloodstains on them. "Oh, and I'm sure Manami can fill you in on any details you need to know, because I really don't feel like telling you, and besides, I think you'll be having to play a fun game of 'console the trauma victim' with Jane, yes?"