[quote=@Solace] It does seem like an interesting idea. Of course, in this time period, their relationship would be forbidden, and if allowed, very frowned down upon. So as long as that's represented and things are kept realistic, that aspect is fine. [/quote] That's one of the aspects that we were trying to aim at, sort of that "secret lovers" thing a la Romeo and Juliet style taken to 11 :lol [quote=@Solace] Most of the questions would lie in the assassin/sellsword character. Who/where is their contractor? Why is this contractor intent on killing nobles? Given that security within each and every House is tight, this would also mean that your character can't simply have experience in slaying nobles, as well, so this questions their abilities. There'd just be many things to clear up. [/quote] I was thinking that the character would be an agent of a lord or spymaster, perhaps even a spymaster's adopted son. Perhaps an ex-orphan pickpocket/criminal in his youth? The base of the character doesn't lie in killing nobles as it is simply being eyes and ears to places most wouldn't be allowed in, not that he's technically allowed either but eh, minor details. The killing of the family is simply more of a set piece thing that could happen one day once shit between the two houses really hits the fan. He's basically the lapdog of a certain Lord/Lady who takes care of the more discreet matters which are best left to those with already sullied hands and maybe criminal connections akin to Ciel Phantomhive of Black Butler. [quote=@Solace] Personally, I'd like to keep this a bit of a hidden secret that only the Lords and potentially their children would know from stories as of now, but there is [i]something[/i] out there, I can tell you. :) [/quote] Zombie ninja and undead samurai dragon knights confirmed; 10/10 - IGN