It came up in a google search I did but I do believe it was from deviantart as the source site yes :') I wish I could human that good, I need a [i]lot[/i] of practise still lol Just for the hell of it I also found the two perfect theme songs for Aria today too :P [url=]Gasoline-Halsey[/url](does contain two F bombs but man it's a good song and it suits her kind of "auto pilot killing machine" response to trying to cope with her emotions XD) [url=]Beekeeper-Keaton Henson[/url] No worries, have fun! :P Hope the couple curse words in there aren't a problem (I can always bleep them out or something otherwise, I don't remember if we ever discussed swearing or not which is why I avoided using an f bomb even though it might have been appropriate XD) O: