[quote=@rechonq] Well there's no CS, but I'm wondering if we are supposed to just share what we want or have a barebones character that develops over time. This seems interesting, but I'm not quite sure how much story I'll be adding myself, I'm not very good at creating those areas. I'm including a pretty barebone CS, but if you were expecting more I can add more. [hider=Echo] Name: Echo Kaiser [hider=Appearance][img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/ad02/th/pre/i/2016/118/7/c/mist_walker_by_zerorgb-da0m7rn.jpg[/img][/hider] This is basically what he looks like. He has a few mutations where he now only has two fingers and a thumb on each hand and he only has two toes. His flesh appears to be greyish, but he is covered in a type of white-ish armor. He can only see between the joints where the armor separates. The armor doesn't come off and doesn't restrict his movements or flexibility. He also has glowing eyes and is mute. Abilities: All he can do for now is summon a white whisp. It runs away and dissipates if he doesn't keep it in his lantern. Heightened senses and strength. Inventory: A lantern, a mask with three eyes and a door. [/hider] [/quote] That's fine for a CS. You can add as little or as much as you wish. [b]As you can see this is very much under construction[/b]. Don't worry about story elements, I'll be adding NPCs with story ideas as we go along. Thanks for taking an interest!