[hider=Jallen Fisher] [center][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Haizaki.Shougo.full.1770209.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=ed1c24]"A knight of honor, a knight of loyalty."[/color][/center] [color=ed1c24]Name:[/color] Jallen Fisher [color=ed1c24]Age:[/color] Twenty seven years of age. [color=ed1c24]Titles:[/color] [i]Ser Jallen, Knight of the Kingsguard[/i] [color=ed1c24]Origin:[/color] Caerleon [color=ed1c24]Allegiance:[/color] The King, and to a small extent, House Ralei. [color=ed1c24]Family:[/color] [hider=Family] Saren Fisher - Father Cliera Fisher - Mother [i]Clara - Sister[/i] [/hider] [color=ed1c24]Appearance:[/color] The pale hair of the south is very apparent to any who meet Jallen for the first time, and his silver eyes betray some of his northern roots. However, his skin is a little more dark than the image, as he's used to working outside. He's fairly muscular due to his work and is often found in at least chainmail when wandering around town. [color=ed1c24]Personality:[/color] A deeply loyal and determined man, Jallen will stop at nothing to prove himself worthy of his new position. Jallen was raised amongst peasantry, and later became a knight, but some habits die hard, and his manners sometimes slip. However, he tends to take himself very seriously, and thus has very few times where he speaks loosely. He tends to practice with his weapon whenever possible, preferring to go off on his own and train than deal with various political workings. While he never earned scorn from the various nobles while a squire, his quick promotion has earned some distrust among the ranks and he tries not to let it get to him. His drive is one of his more notable features of his personality. More than anything, he has no room to care for people who are lazy or unmotivated. [color=ed1c24]Background:[/color] Born in the outskirts of Caerleon, Jallen was born to a pair of farmers, and he dreamed from a very young age of becoming a real knight. His younger sister died while he was young, and while he doesn't remember her well, she died at the hands of bandits, which he deemed dishonorable and deserved to die at the hands of knights. Through chance, a knight passed through, recruiting for the local House. After deciding to try and show off for the knight, which resulted in accidentily knocking the knight down with the large tree branch Jallen used as a practice sword. Jallen was picked to become a squire, and at the age of sixteen he went to train to become a knight for the House Ralien. His natural talent with the sword made him an ideal candidate for knighthood, and he quickly progressed through the ranks. It wasn't until a tournament arrived that Jallen earned the right to be considered for Kingsguard. After a few more years of dedication, an oath to the king, and a move to the western capital, Jallen was officially promoted to a member of the Kingsguard. He swore loyalty to the King, and took his new duties very seriously. Some consider his youth to be unusual in the Kingsguard, and think that he was promoted thanks to a sleezy lord looking to put a spy within the ranks. He bears these rumors without a care, intending to prove them incorrect through hard work and dedication. [/hider] [s]Sorry about the history I wanted to get this up before I go to work[/s]