[color=Magenta][center][h1]Miles Bergeron[/h1][/center] [hr][/color] [h2]Olympus District[/h2] [b][i]One night after the explosion[/i][/b] Lesson number 2 of being a Hero on the Rise: always have an exit strategy. You’re not invincible or immortal. Hell, maybe you are--but drowning probably would still probably hurt like a bitch. In that case, you need a plan B. Not the one that comes after plan A, but the one that comes after Becky made a couple bad decisions one night. Abort the hell outta there. Better to fight another day than burn out on your first leg of the journey, and unfortunately, you’re not cool enough yet to become a legend by dying heroically Essentially, this is for those times when you forget Lesson number 1. A lesson everyone should know, but [b]especially[/b] those [i]ambitious[/i] ones. Those ambitious ones always seem to make a point of finding a way to fuck themselves when they don’t follow the first two Lessons of the Essentials of being a Hero on the Rise. And Miles found himself falling right to that point. That “[b]Oh[/b], [u]fuck[/u].” point as he fell. In the echo of his initial scram from their fall, he heard a high whine. It was Mr. Ozukai, his cry mixing with the howl of the wind as they whipped down. And in that instant, dripping away as he neared the ground with alarming velocity, Miles couldn’t resist it. He let out a short laugh. It was enough to nerve him once more. [b]“FITZ!”[/b] It wasn’t a cry, it bordered on a direct command. And Miles sunk a demand into his tone that was heeded with gusto. A glow engulfed him, quickly spreading outward and refining to the form of large torso and arms. The glow of the quasi magical construct illuminated the air as Miles turned Fitz’s torso toward the ground, jutting the arms out. It was almost the extent of what he could do in this situation, but he had to try. With a surge, he formed a small shell of energy that encased the Fitz’s torso and Mr. Ozukai. Not an instant soon as it slammed to the ground. A small crack appeared on the ground where the shell hit. The shell itself shattered almost instantly, dissipating into nothingness. Miles felt Fitz slam to the ground and felt the wind leave him. Mr. Ozukai landed with a thud on top of Fitz’s form, rolling off the side. Fitz’s form flickered and vanished, Miles plopping to the ground in its absence. Everything hurt. Even his hair. Miles wasn’t even sure how that was possible. But he was in pain nonetheless. Bringing out such a large part of Fitz with no preparation was dangerous, and he could feel the migraine coming, and he couldn’t decide whether the physical or mental pain would be worse. However, he [i]could[/i] decide that it was a good time to call it a night. The backstreet he landed on had only a small number of stores lit, his glazing eyes found themselves resting on a few of them. The few people on the street had already begun wondering over to him and Mr. Ozukai. [i]’Great start Miles….you’re regular superstar,’[/i] he thought, as the plight of unconsciousness threatened to overtake him. The takeaway from all of this: don’t hold conversations on the actual edge of the building. Get the hell off while you can. Take the win and run.