[b]For Sachiko[/b] Well this was a bit more of a predicament it had anticipated. The databased indicated that Sachiko was primarily a throwing knife user, so having her jump out at the Mosca was a bit incompatible with its determined strategy for winning this battle. Luckily, it had a trump card by which to turn the tide of this hopeless situation: It flew straight up. Indeed, its linear positioning speed was not to be underestimated. It was now much higher than it was before. Of course, descending back to a suitable range would be a problem in and of itself, but it would manage. Somehow. But because Sachiko had not managed to slash it to bits, she landed across from her previous position. That lent itself to another problem, as the Mosca began its slow turn to face in Sachiko's direction again. It was definitely a lot slower than flying straight up, yeah. It also began descending for the sake of convenience. Your move, Sachiko.