[@iHxzardx] Night had passed and the early sun was rising far among the wastelands. Fluttering open, were the blue eyes of the young girl. Her head pounded still, and her stomach ached. Her throats throbbing for water, and her sight still a bit blurry. After as few more blinks, the shapes around her became clearer and clearer till they were distinct, which seemed to only confuse her more. She stared up at the ceiling for a few more seconds not daring to move. She stayed there for a few seconds trying to figure out a couple of key things, one of the main ones being where the hell was she. The last thing she could remember was running towards a convenient store. It suddenly hit her, she had passed out. This signaled one thing that chances are she was in danger. When this thought processed through her brain, she immediately sat up. Doing this she moved a bit too fast and moaned slightly because of it. She ignored the pain of it at the moment as she eyed her hands, which weren't tied up like she was half expecting and at her feet, which were also not tied. She had to be somewhat thankful for that. As she looked at her leg she saw the man laying his head on her thigh. She quickly moved her leg away from him and let his head fall onto the bed. Watching, shocked she stared at his bald head. [i][Color=red]' A survivor?' [/color][/i] For that moment the fact she had no clue where she was didn't matter. She hadn't seen another human in forever, she couldn't believe there was one right in front of her. The shock of it didn't last long till she reminded herself that he would be just as bad as every other man on earth currently. She knew what she had to do, she had to run. She had to figure out where she was, so she could figure out how to get away. She looked around when she realized that she could use some of his supplies. It would use up more time, but at the same time it would be twice as dangerous. She had to take the risk though, it was inevitably. She reached towards her boot and grabbed her pocket knife. [i][Color=red] 'Just kill him.'[/color] [/i]She flipped it open and reached over to him. Hesitantly she began to move it towards him, but stopped midway. She shook her head as she quickly flicked the knife closed. She placed it into her pocket as she came to the decision that she wouldn't do it until she had to. It wasn't very smart, but she couldn't bring herself up to just to kill him. Ignoring the presence of the man at the moment she slid herself off of the bed and looked around the room, but didn't spot what she wanted. She tip-toed away from the man and away to one of the desk-thingy with items, trying to be as quiet as possible.