[img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/b81fdbae1399e230892090175a63ee18/tumblr_inline_mlhexigYKy1qz4rgp.png[/img] I mean, I don't really want to say anything and cause a ruckus but...How does one exactly become an Ultimate Gangbanger? The games state that the school accepts students who are the best at what they do, so how does one become the best at gangbanging? [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/eaf864ef4aad2cdacf5a56ceab919425/tumblr_inline_mlheuzaTTJ1qz4rgp.png[/img] I mean not that we shouldn't accept Louie-sempai, he is the main character after all. Also, good morning from the Philippines, guys! I'm quite happy that it is starting to rain lately.