Step 2: A few skills So, I already have a little bit about what they can do. I have little or no articles listed in "metaphysical" because that would mean this thief was actually no thief at all, but a magic user. But I DO have thief-y skills... particularly breaking and entering as well as stealth. Those are probably going to be located under perception because they involve senses to identify noise making and subtle obstacles that can cause problems. I DO have the choice to place Breaking and Entering into physical, meaning that she uses bruit force to get in... but that isn't the style I'm going for. [color=lime]Per(Meh): Breaking and entering, Sneaking[/color] These 2 skills come out of my 12 that I am thinking up. Thinking about it, though, I don't want this character to feel like a somber student. I want them more fun and childlike. Having them imagine that they are a powerful wizard already would be the feel I was going for. Likewise, I would want them to be too impatient to do their homework to figure out the correct channels to become a student. Look at that, 2 more intrigue articles! Intrigue articles are great, because they mean that I can determine how and when I get experience. I don't want just 1 or 2 situations that I get rewarded for playing in, I want tons of them! [color=lime]Imaginative Impatient[/color] This also opens up my personality sliders because I know where I'm heading. [color=lime]Energetic 0---- Lethargic Theory 0---- Reality Orderly ----0 Adaptable[/color] I keep them extreme, because they are way easier to play. The ones closer to the middle are more subtle, and I find that a little more difficult to play accurately. I want to maximize my exposure to the GM so that I get awarded for it.