Sythis stopped for a moment as his scouter went off and indicated that there were two power levels behind him. He turned and saw two figures behind him. One seemed to have tentacles for hair and was pure white and the other seemed to be...he didn't have a word to describe the other one. Humanoid but with certain characteristics that he couldn't place. He didn't know if they hostile or not but based on the fact that they hadn't attacked him while he was unaware he was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. [i]Saiyans. Like me.[/i] He thought as he checked them over. His smiled grimly as his scouter detected the power levels. They were all stronger then him. He looked up at the ones that were floating in the air and he raised his voice so it could be heard by them all. Sythis narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists so tightly small amounts of blood began to trail down the sides of his fists. "Which of you destroyed the city?" He called out. "Which of you decided to kill thousands of people and why?" As he looked over the Saiyans, his gaze fell on the sole female Saiyan of the group and his eyes widened as he got a good look at her. [i] She's...she's beautiful...[/i]He thought to himself as he stared at her for a few moments before realizing he was most likely being viewed as a fool. [i]Please don't let her be the one who destroyed the city. [/i]