Used to be religious, became an athiest. Used to be on the authoritarian left in terms of political views, on the verge of becoming an SJW, and then logic, reason, and a stoner punched me in the face. For some reason, I became friends with this complete stoner, and we would have conversations about drugs and debate about if they should be legalized. I parroted the "drugz r bad" shit, and he refuted me with actual arguments. I haven't heard from that guy in a few years, but thanks to him I formed my lasseiz faire policy on idiocy, aka "Let idiots be idiots (without legal repercussions)". From there I realized how shit the idea of restricting peoples freedoms was. My political stance had started going from authoritarian to libertarian. There was also this guy who's still a good friend of mine who introduced me to the concept of social justice, ideologies, and special snowflakes. Let's just say that after that point, I went full skeptic. I stay away from social movements now, but try to stay as informed on issues as possible. A lot of my past opinions were based on a lack of information. Fuck ignorance. Oh yea, I might as well say where my political stance ended up. I'm not really on the left or the right, sort of in the middle I guess. I'm heavily libertarian. I highly value personal freedoms, especially the freedom of speech.