[quote=@Ryonara] No. [/quote] I like you sincerity. :3 [quote=@TheWindel] [@KoL] Actually...wouldn't Alex/Jukebox be one of the most pure-hearted characters here? He's not [s]a Sayaka copy[/s] as headstrong as Hibiki is. [/quote] Maybe, but they are too pure, which gives an off-putting aura. No body can be that dumb, its obvious that Alex/Jukebox are hiding something. [quote=@Caits] I just write her how I see her. She's one of my favorite characters, and one I had brought out of retirement. She's based on an idealistic view of myself [/quote] Nice, Eris is my unfettered nihilist side. Maybe, that's why they like one another like that, hehehe.