[@AcerRo] Question: at the time that we start, how long have powers existed for? [hider=Christi] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Christabelle Sammi Raines, aka Christi [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] female [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 17 [b][u]Place of Birth:[/u][/b] Harlan [u][b]Sexuality:[/b][/u] Heavily closeted homosexual, to the point of being in denial [b][u]Relationship Status:[/u][/b] Single [b][u]Occupation:[/u][/b] Unemployed [b][u]Power:[/u][/b] Sensory manipulation: Christi is able to manipulate other people’s sensory perception, everything from the traditional five to lesser known senses such as balance, temperature, kinesthetic, pain and time. She can reduce or amplify these senses, or outright take them away. [b][u]Power cost:[/u][/b] Consciously taking control of another person’s senses requires a fair amount of concentration; attempting to control more than one person at once can cause her serious pain. Additionally, a few minutes later she experiences everything the target/s did. There is also a social cost; even among the other Unwanted, people who know about her power tend to be very wary of her, since they can’t be sure if they can trust their own senses around her. [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] Christi is of average height with a slim, slightly muscular build. Her blue eyes are very bright, and her brown hair is just under ear length. Her arms and the back of her neck are slightly tanned from all the time she spends outside, while the rest of her is paler. Freckles dust across her nose, and she has a faint scar running from her left eyebrow to her hairline. She also has a few scars on the thumb, index and middle fingers of her right hand. She tends to wear baggy, warm clothing and hiking boots, particularly in layers when she goes hunting. [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] -Used to hunting with her family, Christi has all the skills necessary to survive in the wilderness, from tracking, trapping and shooting game, fishing, navigating and camping, a working knowledge of a wide variety of wild plants and their effects, as well as skinning and gutting prey. -She’s a very good shot with her crossbow, and is skilled at maintaining it. -Christi has basic first aid training. She may not be certified, but odds are she can keep you from dying at least in the short term -Used to spending large amounts of time outdoors, Christi has great stamina and is very physically fit. She also has impressive arm and upper body strength from cocking her crossbow. -She spends a great deal of time whittling, and as such is very skilled at creating many different items, carvings and tools. [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Christi has a lot deep self-esteem issues, all of which stem from her home life. Very insecure and easily frightened, her people skills are very poor. She tends not to understand things like sarcasm, tends to think that most jokes are at her expense, and it doesn’t take much to cause her to retreat into herself. Whenever people come near her or try to touch her, she will reflexively flinch, as though she expects to be hit. Underneath her fear and uncertainty, she is still naturally quiet and nurturing, and it has been thought that she could be quite beautiful when she smiles. Spending most of her life hunting has trained her to be patient, observant, and focused. Unfortunately, she also has a massive streak of self-loathing, particularly regarding her sexuality. [b][u]History:[/u][/b] Almost since the day her mother died giving birth to her, Christi has believed the entire world hated her. This belief was only reinforced by growing up with a survivalist father who steadily descended into abusive alcoholism and an increasingly spiteful older brother who blamed her for taking away his mother. Living up in the woods made her isolated even for those living in Harlan County. When her brother and her went into town for supplies she would often catch people looking at her, and she wasn’t unaware of the whispers going on when people thought she wasn’t looking. From what she had pieced together, her mother had been a well-loved member of the community, leading her to believe that, much like her brother, the town thought that her death was her fault. In fact, there were only two people in the world who ever made Christi feel valued at all: the family dog Jack, and a pretty young girl named Tillie Helton. As she got older, life got more complicated. The generally homophobic atmosphere of Harlan County meant that Christi’s blossoming crush on Tillie was a problem, which when combined with her other issues led her to believe that she was broken. In a desperate attempt to “fix” herself, Christi formed a relationship with a local boy named Charley Hollins. All this left her with was a broken heart and a destroyed reputation, as her so-called “lover” proceeded to brag to just about everyone how easy she was. Tillie’s murder destroyed Christi. In a moment, the single bright spot in her life was gone. [/hider]