Loden was slowly coming to terms with the death of Brand. The emotions were powerful, overwhelming him even. But walking in on Masef and Varrick just helped to kick his emotions into anger, that much faster. Masef mentioned the soldiers in the street. Loden had indeed seen them, but didn't give it much thought. Obviously, Masef had thought this through a bit further than Loden Grimm had the opportunity to think about. He wasted precious hours denying what he was slowly coming to terms with. Brand was dead and it had something to do with the soldiers out in the street. Loden listened to Masef's words, [i] "Do we stand and fight? Do we lure them away from the village?"[/i] Loden had to repeat these words a few time in his head before he accepted the fact, he was about to go to war with his brothers and sisters against an opponent they knew very little about if nothing at all. Brand always said, [i]'to defeat an enemy it is best to know as much as you can about them.'[/i] Then he would say, [i]'lacking that, know yourself.'[/i] I would say we had that working in our favor. If we didn't know them, we at least knew ourselves. "Let them come in and drag us out," Loden allowed the words to gargle out of his mouth. He walked in the room feeling grief, sadness, denial and anxiety. With those words from Masef, he was now feeling anger and ready to reap some retribution to whoever masef, Varrick, Kiera, Ashira, Beren, Grey or anyone else he trusted considered to be the enemy. He was ready to fight. It was then, that he acknowledged his desire and ability to go to war, that he found his right hand resting on the hilt of [i]Skarpinne[/i]. "What's the plan?" Loden smiled realizing that he passed on to an anger that warmed him, comforted him and helped him to deal with the loss of Brand. Before Masef could say another word, Varrick escalated their posture by kicking the door to Muttle's office, knocking whoever was on the other side onto his backside. Loden flashed Skarpinne out of its sheath and readied for something. He didn't know what they were getting into but he was ready to fight, whoever it was. [@Flagg][@NickTrano][@HeySeuss][@R31GN][@POOHEAD189][@AirBender][@Naril]