Small footbeats reverberating through the Milano made the hunter stir. Muffled voices speaking to one another, ones he did not recognize, caused him to stand. It was his mission that made him kill. He clenched his armored fists and made an audible breath. Through his helmet, it sounded like some hellish engine revving to life. He grabbed his weapons, and made his way out of the cargo hold. The footsteps were moving in single file, and they were heavy. Troopers of the First Order, he noted as he caught a glimpse of them passing by him within one of the side rooms. He waited until the last hussled by, before grabbing him roughly and snapping his neck, dragging the body into the room and closing the door. He inspected his gun. E-11 blasters were trustworthy and dangerous, but it was how they were wielded that mattered. Sol'id Fist strode out into the hallway as the last three troopers were turning the corner. He sent his WESTAR-M5 to an automatic setting and opened fire, cutting through two of the troopers before he strode into the next room across the hall. He broke through the next door within the next hall, knocking another trooper over, stepping on him and cutting a hole in his chest with his rifle fire, and laid down suppressing fire to the 4 remaining in the hall. They fired back as they fled to cover, but it was wild and random. One shot burned his shoulder, but he remained undaunted. Another two fell, but there had to be more within the station than the two who had escaped. It mattered little. He knew this ship, and they did not. He stepped into another room that led him into a small underhallway, and he traversed it with a crouch, patient and deadly. He ripped out of the floor, behind the two troopers. He gunned one down and knocked the other back with a heavy punch. The Mandalorian took a step up onto the floor, and then another, drawing his Vibro Axe. The Trooper screamed one last time before his life was ended, chest cleaved. Sol'id found a comm on the last dead Trooper, and knelt down to pick it up. He flipped it on, and after a few moments... he spoke. "If that is all you have, I suggest giving up." was all Tr’an Dasheer heard.