Leah stiffened as the well-dressed man told her to look under the beds. She didn't like being ordered about and singled out, however politely it was done. But she put on what she hoped was a serene expression as she turned away from the wall and the bearded man and started on her task. The floor was clean and bare under the beds, and she saw nothing out of the ordinary, not even a speck of dust. She was halfway done with them when another girl woke and spoke to the room mockingly. Leah saw the girl give her a scornful look. [i]Well, clearly she doesn't like me already.[/i] Leah gave the girl a wide berth when she checked her bed, avoiding her gaze. The well-dressed man, who Leah was starting to think of as the leader, replied easily and confidently. He seemed unperturbed by the mocking girl's pessimism. Leah, however, had to agree with her. It didn't appear as if the person who kidnapped them would have left anything useful behind. The room itself spoke to the kidnapper's character. He was clean, organized, and smart, whoever he was. No, he'd let them know only what he wanted them to know. That much was clear from the TV set hanging from the wall. It had to be for some kind of communication. And that word...BROKEN. Leah stared at it when she was finished searching the beds. Nothing meaningful came to mind, and she frowned. As she stared, she overheard the Jewish man and another girl with black hair exchange names. Thomas and Maele. Leah thought that it would be a good idea to introduce themselves, but she was far too shy to suggest it to the room herself. She hesitated, then strode purposefully to the well-dressed man. "Um, excuse me?" She waited until she had his attention before she spoke again, trying not to flinch at his gaze. [color=f6989d]"I think it would be helpful to know everyone's names. You seem to be in charge so far--do you think you could get everyone introduced? I'm Leah, by the way."[/color]