Jacque's eyes narrowed by a small margin as two of his crewmates were asked to exit the ship for interrogation. This was an unexpected, not to mention unwelcome surprise. The twi'lek and xexto seemed to be willing to comply, but Jacque couldn't help but feel a small chill go down his spine. What if they said something to arouse suspicion? Hell, what if one of them outright squealed to try and get a lighter sentence? There was no guarantee that this would be the case, however Jacque knew well enough what a person was willing to do when desperation set in. The human was given little more time to dwell on the matter as the sound of blaster fire and a scream echoed out from somewhere within the [i]Milano[/i]. He reflexively reached for his right hip, only to remember that his blasters were currently locked in his quarters. The vibrodagger he kept tucked in his boot was still in place, however there was very little he could do with it against someone with range weaponry outside of flinging it and hoping he got a hit. Suffice to say, things where beginning to take a serious jog to the left. "[b]What the fuck was that?[/b]" Jacque unintentionally mused aloud as he looked to the stairs that lead to the lower deck. He shot a glance to the other crewmembers, then looked to the Chagrian inspection officer "[b]What are your men doing down there?[/b]" he spat, all traces of the meek and mild facade now gone from him.