The area immediately around Giko erupted into chaos as her newfound friends batted away the bird in her mouth while trenchcoat guy held a gun to one's head and screamed something. She couldn't really make out what he was saying, since her ears were still ringing from the TD set, but it was definitely very passionate and filled with righteous anger, so good on him. By the time she was finished coughing up feathers that had gotten lodged in her mouth-joints, the poor man was already halfway down the block. "Well, he seemed nice enough.", Giko commented as the hotblooded seagull-threatener was carried away by a tide of birds. She reached down again to pluck another doughnut from the bag, only to realize it had been stolen in the confusion- one of the gulls, probably. Giko wiped her face on her sleeve and massaged her ears as she looked back over to Claribel. "So that's a tone dial, huh? Technology these days is really something. I'd rather have something a little less... Well, loud. Anyway-", Giko continued, running her hands through Claribel's hair, "-So what do you use for your hair, anyway? It's so silky! Are you a natural pink?"