[center][h3]Sam Thurston[/h3][/center] [b]"Come at me, suckers!"[/b] The scream echoed down the street, catching the attention of the undead roaming slowly around and bumping against the discarded cars. Sam raised her axe in the air, a wide grin on her face, as she watched a small horde run towards her. In her peripheral, she saw the two ratty kids she met the night prior slowly inching their way out of the little hidey hole they'd made to pass the evening. With a nod to them, Sam began to run and drew the biters' attention away from the poor rascals. The groaning of the horde racing towards her began to draw out even more biters, some of them crashing through the glass windows of the nearby shops and tearing at their rotting skin (if Sam had a weaker constitution, she would have vomitted right then and there). The couple of days she'd spent roaming the streets gave her enough of a visual map to know which path she should take to head back to the bank she began to call her base. Just a few more blocks and then turn into the alleyway to climb the fire escape of some apartment building... Only, as she skidded to a slight stop in order to turn the corner, she hadn't expected for some poor fool to be screaming as he got cornered by half a dozen biters. With her own horde and the group blocking her path, Sam only gave the man a small smile before hightailing it in another direction and ignoring the screams for help. Her axe swung around to meet the skulls of any biters that got too close, blood and muck spraying onto her face and clothes. She made sure to close her mouth and turn her head enough to shield her eyes but still keep an eye on the biters. A quick check over the wound on her left leg (one that she'd done a pretty good job bandaging up) was still free from the disgusting bodily fluids of the biters. If only she could say the same for the clothes she was currently wearing. With a frown of distaste, she continued running and kept an eye out in case some clods had been doing laundry when the epidemic began. Five more blocks and Sam could feel herself getting more tired. The horde behind her seemed to be slowing down, losing interest in her and investigating some other sound instead. She breathed a sigh of relief and ran into the first alley she saw. It was empty, save for trash that littered the ground and a filled dumpster. She took one last peek at the street and when she was sure that none of the biters followed her, she slung the axe over her shoulder while keeping a good grip on it. She looked around and grinned when she noticed something behind the dumpster. She walked over to the person - a young man - and leaned against the dumpster. [b]"Hey there, fella. You know how to get to the bank from here?"[/b] She probably shouldn't have mentioned her destination, but it didn't seem like he would try to rob her. And if he did, well... Her grip on her axe tightened. She grinned down at him. [b]"Unless you've been behind this dumpster since this crap began?"[/b]