After eventually getting herself from under her cabinet, Nemui took a shower and put on her school uniform. Well, the uniform was from the school she used to attend that is. She didn't bother putting on any shoes, the training room likely had a no shoe policy anyway. As she exited her room she looked left to right. "Hmm... Where is the kitchen again?" She shrugged her shoulders and picked the left path, reaching a stock room. A nice place to play hooky, but not to eat. Backtracking, she made her way to the kitchen. She dragged her feet to the fridge, opened it and stared at it's contents, nothing good. She closed the fridge and opened a cabinet, she stared at it's contents and closed it, nothing good. She opened the fridge and scanned the food and drinks inside, still nothing good. She closed it and opened the cabinet, searching for something to eat, still nothing good. She swung open the fridge and gritted her teeth at the contents. She opened the cabinets and growled at what she saw inside. Giving up on finding anything that she wouldn't need to spend time cooking, she grabbed a hand full of buns and sat at a table. She munched on the slightly buttered bread, finishing a few before realized she had grabbed far too many. She poked one a few times, it was soft, really soft. She laid her head on the buns, and let out a sigh. She turned her cheek, and saw a kid standing in the room. "Oh, didn't see you there..." She yawned and looked at her wrist, which only reminded her that she had stopped using one since she had her phone. There was still plenty of time until she had to train. "So." She said, looking at the girl. "What are you in for? I accidentally saved my village from a tribe of lizard people."