[@pkken][@Dark Light] Vincent took notice that someone else had listened in to his little reply and smiled as Lance started to do the exercise. It wasn't long until lightning appeared from his forearm and shot out into the sky. So that was his first element huh? Lightning, sounds good to him, really. Looks awesome too. [color=lightgray]"Nice going there Lance."[/color] He said with a thumbs up before looking back at Avarius. The guy had no struggle at all. Well, it was a pretty easy exercise and considering the marathon the preceded this exercise, this was relatively easier. Vincent was about to say good job to him as well when he felt the gust of wind, however, it seems Avarius wanted to take it up a notch. The guy made some extra movements, movements that Vincent did not understand, and then seemed to inhale deeply. It seemed to be going well, whatever he wanted to do, until he started coughing violently. A powerful gust of wind was exhaled from Avarius's mouth and towards Lance. Vincent quickly took initiative to push Lance out of the way. The gust didn't hit Vincent, that was for sure and he breathed a sigh of relief as he stood up and looked back at Avarius who seemed to have recovered from his coughing fit. He wasn't going to start scolding him now, Vincent was more than sure that a teacher would do more effect than him, so he sighed and sat down again. [color=lightgray]"Hey that was dangerous. You could've gotten someone else hurt."[/color] Vincent pointed out. From what had happened, Vincent could make a little hypothesis. Avarius might have decided to store magic energy within his torso area, and since it was wind, it quickly built up to his already filled lungs (hinted by his deep inhalation earlier) and then his body threatened to pop. So the body did the next best thing, exhaling the wind as quickly as possible resulting to Avarius's coughing fit. However, in that coughing fit was the pent up magic causing the powerful gust of wind that could probably knock someone back and give them a few bruises. From that, Vincent could say that Avarius sustained internal damage. [color=lightgray]"Maybe you should go back to the nurse."[/color] He suggested.