Yepp. Eliana plays the cello now since it accompanies pianos well and who ever does the cello nowadays!? Cellos are boss xD I know Beast plans to make a villain man. I'm still debating making a villainous female or put my complete focus on Eliana >.> we'll see. I'll spend my morning thinking about it xD [color=ed1c24]Added to Ellie's C.S:[/color] Personality section - A good label that can define Eliana and her abilities is: a walking glass canyon. Regardless if she's fighting or not, she has hellfire residing in her that could deal quite a bit of damage. What's the use of your body if your brain cannot function? The mere fact that she can destroy your brain by overwhelming it, torturing it, or shutting it down, is quite a dangerous skill to have. Luckily, she isn't evil or she may very well make those around her mindless. Taking her powers out of the equation, even Ellie just as herself is rather fragile and sensitive to the world around her. She may be strong on the inside and great at protecting her heart with words but that doesn't mean she'll be able to defend herself from others in everyday encounters. A fragile thing she is and all she wants to do is prevent herself from shattering.