[hr] [h2][center][u][b][color=SlateBlue]Shadrok[/color][/b][/u][/center][/h2] [sub][center][u][b][color=Green]Location: Gohan's Training Grounds[/color][/b][/u][/center] [center][u][b][color=Yellow]Status: Ready to fight, seemingly irritated....[/color][/b][/u][/center][/sub] [center][@NacNak] [@Stryder] [@Chev][/center] [hr] One of the newer individuals within the area, Wolf to be exact. The power which radiated from this individual was not right in Shadrok's opinion, something about it was very dark for what he could tell. Just Shadrok's luck, this individual was probably not only related, but responsible for the event which transpired a great distance from their current location not long ago. The word Earth mulled around Shadrok's mind, nothing sparked when thinking of this word. The planet which Sahdrok stood upon was not only completely unknown or foreign. But Shadrok possessed zero knowledge how or why he was here. "[color=SlateBlue]Eeeeeaaaarrrrrrrthhhh.... EEAaaaARrrRRRtttthhhh?[/color]" Shadrok said the foreign word several times, as though trying it out or something. Focus faintly bouncing between all the individuals in sight/nearby. "[color=SlateBlue]Huh, i know nothing of this planet which you speak....[/color]" Brow furrowed as Shadrok asked Wolf. "[color=SlateBlue]What about you...... What brings you to here?[/color]" Shadrok doubted answer would be given, though attempt for answer was made anyways. Something about Shadrok emanated an irratated persona, this was typical for Shadrok when on utter guard or awaiting a fight to unveil any moment.....