[color=ed1c24]Note to everyone:[/color] coming from experience, perhaps take initiative and send the first PM? It's an endless, vicious cycle of people offering for others to PM them and then getting upset that no ones PM'ed them because everyone is waiting for a PM xD. In Hushed's case, she is busy all day so that's why she can't take that first step, but for those who do have the time, I do encourage you guys to start the discussion! Especially since some individuals aren't online right now. Do you know how happy they'd be when they logged on and see a PM from you? I know I'd be stoked! I personally like to read people's character sheets find out the differences and similarities to my character and think on potential moments they could have shared. You do not need to be friends with every character, actually I hope you guys create a story through your relations. Frenemies, exes, crushes, etc. It gives you somewhere to start from when IC begins. :) Your relation sheet will most definitely change as IC progresses so don't be sad if someone thinks you should start as acquaintance! That just means fun times in IC.