“I don't need your mercy, Assassin.” Luciano spoke with cold confidence as he deflected the woman's charge with the sword in his left and swung in a wide arc with the right which barely missed. “I won't give you any, either!” It was his turn on the offensive. He alternated between quick stabs and long lunges, looking to overwhelm and break through her stalwart defence before she could even retaliate. Reading the slight change in her movements, he could see some of the numerous attacks found their mark—but none was enough for a definite advantage. Quite the contrary. She broke away from his assault every now and then to launch quick strikes while he was still recovering. She was agile, and Luciano could feel the sting of her steel on himself more than once. As the intense fight went on, he had to recognise that her style fared very well against his. She dodged more than she parried, barely allowing his blades to even get close to her. Her speed outmatched his, and the lightweight hidden blade was considerably easier to wield than the two lengthy swords. However, her situation was a ticking time bomb. Luciano's barrage of attacks remained relentless, he knew it was only a matter of time before she faltered. One mistake was all he needed... Meanwhile, Emerico stumbled forward in the thick smoke, coughing and panting. He could only see right around himself, he knew there was no chance to be fully prepared for the Assassin who was surely onto him by now. He focused forward instead, desperately trying to find the gate. He suddenly felt a pull on his waist. The large Apple dangled on its chain, easily visible even in the smoke. He pulled out his blade again and turned, just when the Assassin managed to grab the artefact from the pouch. The brief moment he savoured the prize—or was unintentionally drawn into its aura of influence—was enough for Emerico to strike back and immobilise his foe. A struggle unfolded as the apprentice attempted to wrist the Piece from the Assassin, who held it in the hand that had the hidden blade and thus was unable to simply stab Emerico. Neither of them seemed to notice that the Apple was starting to glow brighter... The whole struggle was unheard by the two duellers. Luciano was slowly growing exhausted - and he read the same expression on his opponent as their faces were both painted with sweat. Finally he seemed to gain the upper hand as the Assassin could not dodge as deftly as she did in the beginning. He shoved away her bladed arm with an elbow as she prepared to spring it out again and pushed her away with full force in hopes of making her finally lose her balance, which would have allowed for an easy kill. Suddenly, the earth quaked beneath Luciano. He looked around in surprise, only to see the massive walls trembling and the previously still water quivering in waves. He quickly found the cause of it all: the black smoke had settled ahead of him, revealing both Emerico and the second Assassin lying on the ground—the Apple once again free. He heard the nearest large rock formation crackle and slowly split apart. A giant piece of it landed right between him and the woman, both just barely avoiding getting crushed underneath it. [i]“Figlio d'un cane!”[/i] he shouted furiously. With clenched fists, he took one last glance at his opponent before sheathing his blades and bolting ahead. He only stopped when reaching his injured, but still definitely conscious apprentice. “Emerico! Everything is collapsing, get up!” “T-the Apple...” Emerico stretched out a shaking arm, pointing at the artefact. “I've had enough of that [i]pezzi di merda![/i] Now come!” He offered a hand to pull the Templar up, who did not yet take it. “The Assassins...they can't...they can't get it...” For the first time in months, uncertainty filled Luciano's mind. As more and more of the rock formations collapsed, he was worried that their one exit might be blocked away soon. Carrying a weakened Emerico might just take too long, but who knew what else the sinister Piece of Eden was capable of when held...