[hider=Goldas] [CENTER] [img]http://i.imgur.com/YLnfOmp.jpg?1[/img] [i]"I want control, give me the pen and I'll sniff out the author... I'm tired of feeling this way."[/i] [h2]Basic Info[/h2] [b]Name::[/b] Goldas [b]Nickname/Alias::[/b] Flamboyant Harpy / Harpy’s Fool [b]Gender::[/b] Male [b]Age and Date of Birth::[/b] 18 | Unknown [b]Guild::[/b] Harpy Wing | Located on Back of his Left hand [b]Rank::[/b] Rank S "Newly Made" [h2]Personal Information[/h2] [b]Personality::[/b] Goldas is a kindly, fresh-playing guild member of Harpy’s Wing. He’s free-spirited as well, jovially looking for ways to occupy his time. He is distinctively known to be forgetful, to the point that he gathered the nickname “Harpy’s Fool”. When in the company of females his want for attention comes out in full. Outwardly he displays this kind of frankness but deep down, he’s pained, hurt, and besmirched with a unfading revulsion for himself. [b]History::[/b] His first [i]real[/i] memories were of a great fiery dragon, one whose white scales were consumed with glimmering flames. The beast sat on a mountainous throne and with a curious scrutiny looked down on him. Goldas remembered the fear but soon recognized the intelligent sadness that had mirrored his own. The Dragon was surprising forthcoming. With a zealous approach Gleam beckoned the youth to become his protege. Seeing a sincere chance at having a family, more or less, Goldas accepted. Goldas shook Gleam’s talon and could’ve sworn the earth trembled and the air sizzled with anticipation. Nine long years went by. Gleam was slayed by Goldas’ flames on accident, his rage consuming him two years prior. This rage was brought about when Gleam had pushed him too far during a argument on humanity. Afterwards, Goldas scoured the world, traveling with caravans, explorers, slavers, and other diversities. It was during this time that early memories piled onto current ones, memories of being called a monster and fearful expressions. When he finally was found by Harpy’s Wing he was being hunted for behavior deemed unnecessary for a mercenary; a war he changed the tides of was unfavorable for a noble. Now he takes residence in Harpy's Wing, if only to hide from the world. [h2]Magic[/h2] [b]Magic Name::[/b] Fire Dragon Slayer Magic [b]Description::[/b] [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Dragon_Slayer_Magic]Fire Dragon Slayer Magic[/url] [b]Known Spells::[/b] Fire Dragon Roar | Goldas' mastery of this basic spell allows it to appear as a large wall of flames. Simply put he gathers and spews out fire from his mouth. Fire Dragon Claw | Goldas enhances his kicks with his powerful flames, resulting in explosive impacts. Fire Dragon Fang | Goldas swats away his adversaries with a claw-shape hand, powerful flames follows afterwards. Fire Dragon Steel Fist | Goldas physical strength is a deadly asset on its own, much more so than the previous Fire Dragon Slayer users. When amplified with his magic, its capable of creating explosions capable of smelting steel. Fire Dragon Sword Horn | Engulfing his body in searing flames Goldas launches himself into his opponent and headbutts them in some form or fashion. Fire Dragon Wildfire Wing Attack | Goldas ignites his hands and arms on fire, grabs his opponents, and tosses them away; flames are left swirling where they trail through the sky. Fire Dragon Whiplash | Goldas arms are lined with flames then he swings at his opponents and releases the waves towards his enemy. Fire Dragon Sunray | Goldas shoots a giant fireball in the air that scatters and falls to the earth like meteors. Fire Dragon All Surrounded | Goldas in some form or another, ignites the area around him and his opponent(s) with flames intense enough to be considered unapproachable. Trapping them in a cage that alludes to them being confronted with imprisonment. Fire Dragon Cadaver | A Goldas original. Due to his self-hatred, Goldas can raise his core temperature to the point that it becomes a hazard to the earth and everyone around him. When he uses this pillars of flames erupts from the ground before converging on him and igniting into a dome of wind-sweeping fire. This quarter-mile wide attack leaves anything in its path charred and smoldering. (*note - This may expand depending on out loss he is in anger) [h2]Other[/h2] His travels have given him many useful skills, ones that his already enhance senses makes preternatural. His exceptionally dependent on his sense of smell. He has been trained, masterfully, in using metal poles (yes, metal poles.) [b]Relatives::[/b] None. [b]Possessions::[/b] 1x Metal Pole (usually not on him) [b]Theme Song::[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMlwer-lbow[/youtube] [/CENTER] [/hider]