[@Gray Linings] Name: Charles 'Drake' McCloud Age: 15 Appearance: [img]http://images2.fanpop.com/images/polls/253000/253472_1245146482551_full.jpg[/img] Identity: Student Class: Magica Abillity: Elementalist - the 6 or 7 basic elements, and combined forms IF trained Control: Only fire to any decent degree. Adverse effects: Body temperature tends to rise randomly to extremely dangerous levels. (Basically if he actual learns and trains his power for few years could eventually use every element and even mix then into their combined forms, every element he learns tends to have adverse affects on his body) Personality: Kind but mysterious, tends to isolate himself for unknown reasons. (Dis)Likes: He likes watching t.v. and enjoying pizza but hates thugs and evil doers even if he himself is seen as a delinquent. Relationship: Parents in another country so living alone, no other known 'realtives'