'You could have hurt someone' the words were truth and stung Avarius. But like his lungs they only held pain if he gave it focus, right now he would admit to neither. He rolls his shoulder as he begins to speak. [i]"Shoulders still a bit sore, you know, from when your golem attacked me. Had to find a different point to expel from. I got it this time, the release point is my lips not my lungs."[/i] he winces with an awkward smug smile. [i]"It's not like I'm throwing fire or lightning, I just didn't expect it to release on contact with the air in my lungs."[/i] Despite his words Avarius sat submissively defeated, with that air so too went his energy. He wasn't used to this environment or being surrounded by so many people. He didn't want to hurt anyone nor did he want to leave yet. Drained, sore and exhausted Avarius fell in line. (For now)