[h2][center][b]Silver Fang Korin's Tower[/b][/center][/h2] Fang was annoyed at the responses he had gotten from Fenrir and Korin. People were dying and it looked like they were almost unfazed by the situation. "Pardon my impatience, but do any of you have any strategies that we can use to handle this situation? More people will die and if you can't give us any more insight on these saiyans and their weaknesses, then we're wasting time. Those saiyans' power levels are greater than ours, but I'm pretty sure you two sensed the energy signatures of others like us right? They may be able to help us fight these saiyans" he said to both of them with a calm voice. "The time for fighting will be very soon and we have to have our full strength if we're going to fight this threat" he spoke them as his held his spear firmly. [@NacNak][@Holy Soldier]