[@RBYDark] That makes sense. I only brought it up because I did not want anyone feeling bullied. I tend to take over stories with my grandiose ideas, and everyone else steps aside to make way. Eek, my mouth hurts just thinking about those wires... And if it is an important part of your character's identity, go ahead, bring in the teleporter! In answer to your questions, A) heck yeah! B) Na, totally different. Fo you have a character in mind with these technological enhancements? I would think that having small implants (like a communicator behind your ear, microchip in your wrist that you can scan to pay for things, etc.) would not be exactly uncommon, especially for those with a little more cash to spend. But the larger and more complex prosthetics would be costly, even the knock-off and salvaged ones costing an arm and a leg, making them more of a rarity. Plus, though I think some would improve a humans' performance, I doubt that the majority of them could give anything near 'superhuman' abilities. Hey, thanks for letting me have the genetic mutation. I do appreciate it, as many times, I've found that if one person adds something unusual to their character, everyone will use it too. Not that you can't use it at all, as I do not mind if one of you have a character with a little something going on, I just would not want [i]everyone[/i] like that. Takes away from the fun.