[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/9e/92/c4/9e92c42af463d746504e41f5fd8da778.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Ethelbert Arderne [b]Age:[/b] 36 [b]Gender:[/b] Male[/center] [b]Backstory:[/b] Born the son of Lord Arderne, Ethelbert grew up relatively well off. His father was the lord of the village of Ruldi and served under King Graveth, ruler of the Kingdom of Rhodoks. As a child, Ethelbert learned all he could about stewardship, justice, and ruling by reading books and watching his father, who he deeply admired. As he reached an appropriate age, Ethelbert was sent to Jelkala to continue his education and grow into a proper lord. But whenever he could, Ethelbert escaped the castle, even if it was for a mere couple of hours, to walk among the common men and women of the town. Among them, and their children, Ethelbert learned about an aspect of life that couldn't be thought by merely reading and listening. Be it by taking punches, or giving them out; seducing local girls, or having his heart broken by them; and running away from trouble, or towards it, Ethelbert slowly grew into a man of both book and street smarts, eternally hungry for something better, mean that what it may. Time passed, as it tends to do, and Ethelbert became bored of his life and weary of the lands that surrounded him. It was then that a faithful night Ethelbert packed all his belongings and left the Kingdom with twenty good men, swearing to himself he wouldn't return until his name was known across the six kingdoms. And across the six kingdoms he traveled with his small company, trying his best to become a legendary hero like the ones he used to read about. Along the way he lost most of his money, all of his men, and, at one point, even his freedom. Ethelbert wanted to become a man of the world, but instead now he was just another man on the world. That was his life, one that started pretty high and ever since had been in decline, and what hurt him the most was knowing that it had all been his fault, for letting himself be tempted by dissatisfaction. But even knowing the root of all his misfortune wasn't enough to stop him from wanting something better, and when he heard that his father, Lord Arderne, had died and some other man of noble birth was now the Lord of Ruldi, Ethelbert knew there was only one place he could go. Home. [b]Personality:[/b] Both tired and eager, both sides of Ethelbert are constantly contradicting one another. Sure he wants things to go well, but at this point he isn't sure if that's possible. He's grown patient and worrisome with time, now preferring to talk things through whenever possible. Still, Ethelbert won't back out from a fight, even if that means losing. [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*] Long Bardiche [*] Rusty Iron Mace [*] Round Shield w/ Family Banner [*] Haubergeon w/ Family Banner [*] Saddle Horse [/list]