Blank leaped into action, pulling his sword close to his body. He moved smoothly around the flying stone, his footwork precise with no wasted movement. Glancing backwards in the middle of his turn, he reassured himself that the others were out of danger, mildly surprised that the girl he barely knew had raised her own weapon. As he moved, his newfound companion stalked into the sparse underbrush, vanishing from sight. Blank dashed forward, his feet finding sure purchase even in the uneven ground of the forest floor. He raised his blade again, moving slightly forward, but there was no way for him to reach the bird creature from where he was. Instead, he found a fist sized stone halfway embedded in the soft ground. Deftly, he dug the tip of his sword into the soil under the rock and flung it up and forward, bouncing it off the trunk of the tree in front of him. It rebounded to him and he gracefully caught it with his free hand, then immediately whipped it at the monster he faced. "Come get me, wormeater!" He shouted, beginning to move away from the group. He practically danced backwards, trying to lead the bird on a merry chase through the woods, and away from the rest of his group. The danger of the plan didn't even cross his mind as he leaped between the trees, he just felt the need to protect the others, a need that awakened that niggling feeling in the back of his head he had associated with his lost memories.