[hider=James's Relationships] [center][h1][color=ed1c24]James 'Arachnid' Spinne[/color][/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/0fbb065e7e74d1356e4ed7912dc542a9/tumblr_inline_mfrml0v8Lz1raqsyv.gif[/img] [color=ed1c24]{[/color][i]"Ahh, people. They're so...complicated. I don't think I'll ever understand 'em. But hey, I might as well give it a try."[/i][color=ed1c24]}[/color] [color=0076a3]⚜[/color] Acquaintances || ☯ Neutral || [color=00aeef]☮[/color] Friends || [color=6ecff6]♫[/color] Best Friends || [color=ec008c]♥[/color] Love Interest || [color=92278f]⚤[/color] Boyfriend/Girlfriend || [color=ed1c24]☠[/color] Enemies[/center][hr][hr] [hider=Freshmen][color=6ecff6]♫[/color][color=ed1c24][b]J A M E S . S P I N N E[/b][/color][color=6ecff6]♫[/color] [i]"This man is just a sexy beast. I love everything about him. I mean, I could spend all day with James. Every waking hour, in fact."[/i] ☯[color=ABB2B9][b]A L L E N . H O P S[/b][/color]☯ [i]"I don't know about this guy. He seems okay; I mean, anyone who likes Greek mythology is okay in my book. But I'm not a huge fan of some of his schemes. He's got a very generic Bond villain thing going when he starts rambling about the 'New World Order.' "[/i] :confused[color=D8BFD8][b]M I L O . U S H K O W I T Z[/b][/color]:confused [i]"WHAT ARE YOU?!"[/i] [color=0076a3]⚜[/color][color=00aeef][b]C A R M E N . C H A V A N A[/b][/color][color=0076a3]⚜[/color] [i]"Carmen's great. I mean, I'd never tell that to her face (it'd go right to her head) but she's one of only a couple hero-types I'll actually talk to. She's intelligent, brave and pretty much everything I'm not. Oh, and she always has a witty response to any of my jokes. That girl's snarkier than an angry British man on a Tuesday. She's into guns as well. What's not to love? If she were Delphina, I'd count her as a friend. Too bad she isn't. Maybe some day...Oh; and I guess she's sorta cute too."[/i] ☯[color=0072bc][b]T E R R A N C E . O ' B R I E N[/b][/color] ☯ [i]"What can I say? He's a Mayweather. I don't talk to many of them. He can look cool some times but other times there just seems to be something off about him. Eh, whatever. Not my problem."[/i] ☯[color=darkcyan][b]E L I A N A . L O V E L A C E[/b][/color]☯ [i]"DAYUUUMMM. She is just....Woooow! Too bad she's a total ice queen. And a Mayweather."[/i] [/hider] [hider=Sophomores][color=ed1c24]☠[/color][color=#FFBF00][b]S A M U E L . K E A T S[/b][/color][color=ed1c24]☠[/color] [i]"He's a FUCKING asshole! Screw that guy. He's a jerk, a total tool and I'm pretty sure he hates me."[/i] [color=ed1c24]☠[/color][color=#FFD75B][b]H A R O L D . J F F E R S O N ( I I I )[/b][/color][color=ed1c24]☠[/color] [i]"Why is this guy a hero again? He's so obnoxious. Literally the first thing he said when I bumped into him in the hall was an insult. So glad he's afraid of spiders. I'll get him back for that one eventually."[/i] ☯[color=deepskyblue][b]W I L L . B L A K E[/b][/color]☯ [i]"He seems like an okay dude. Funny, charming, typical good guy...Meh. Pretty boring stuff. But what's really fun is that he's afraid of spiders. 'Oh, how do you know that James?' I've seen the way he looks at me. Especially when I'm using my powers. Completely grosses him out. So, I have some...plans...for some of my little friends. Mwahahahahahaha!"[/i] [color=ec008c]♥[/color][color=powderblue][b]B R E N N A . L A N C A S T E R[/b][/color][color=ec008c]♥[/color] [i]"Again, just DAYUUUM. I have hit the jackpot with this school! [i]And[/i] she's a Delphina?! I think I'm in heaven. I'll need to get my moves on with her soon enough, though. She's basically the center of attention for all those villianous nerds."[/i] ☯[color=springgreen][b]A V A L O N . M I D D L E T O N[/b][/color]☯ [i]"She's a lot like Lancaster, actually. But as a Mayweather. Which means she is off limits."[/i] [/hider] [hider=Juniors]☯[color=868324][b]J A C K S O N . H U N T[/b][/color]☯ [i]"Another typical hero. Well, okay, that's unfair. He seems to treat everybody just about the same; which is uncommon around here. I dunno. I've considered talking to him but I can never find a good time to approach the guy. I hear he's hilarious, though."[/i] [/hider][/hider]