[@GodOfWar][@Polybius] Thanks guys! Though, in honesty, it's moreso great for me to be able to write a bit with you guys, than for you guys to have little old me on board... this already looks to be shaping up really well, and The Mindskitter in particular was a straight-up genius character before he even got out the door. Sorry to distract you from your work Polybius - don't worry about the new thread and if/when it comes, I sort of misread what you'd said in the first place and honestly, it's no big deal where the thread's located. I'll get a char up pretty soon if I can; got an idea or two in mind, but I'll have to make myself resist for tonight as I really must do a good bit of Maths revision before I embark on some damned fruitless resit tomorrow. Course I don't particularly want to do that Maths, and I'm not the most disciplined of people, but I have to try. :P