[hider=Anonymous Millennial Upstart Pretender] [Center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/86/65/e9/8665e931aafc3bd43ad8b4feb60fe272.jpg[/img][/Center] [b]Name[/b]: Douglas Yeats [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 18, both physically and legitimately. [b]Title[/b]: Anonymous Millennial Upstart Pretender [b]Appearance[/b]: [b]Height[/b]: 165 cm [b]Weight[/b]: 65 kg [b]Hair[/b]: Rough and uncared for, Douglas has brown hair which is rather messy at all times. He does bother to get it cut if only to prevent it from annoying his eyes. [b]Eyes[/b]: Hazel [b]Skin[/b]: White skin gone pale from constantly being in his room all day. [b]Bio Personality[/b]: Douglas Yeats is a man of few words. He is shy and unsociable, shying away from people and strangers – which comprise of almost everyone else except for him seeing as the number of beings he would not consider “strangers” could be counted on one hand. He takes refuge in his room at all times, only coming out for the purposes of gathering food or under an important, life-threatening situation. If others are speaking he will usually shy away in a corner and wait until whatever they are discussing is over before saying whatever it is he had to say. He does his best to stay unnoticed at all times. On the internet his personality undergoes a complete transformation. Hiding behind a username he is usually assertive and capable of making swift decisions, managing information and disseminating them as needed. He is also extremely talkative, being very active in chatrooms, exchanging jokes and talking about various subjects with other members, from the mundane to the serious. He is extremely analytical and what he lacks in combat ability, strength, swiftness and power he makes up for in intelligence, observational skills and a little bit of healthy paranoia. Despite his shy demeanour outside of a computer screen, he is still a believer of protecting those around him – even if they don’t know it. He considers himself something similar to a mysterious benefactor and will not hesitate to set aside his fears when the chips are down. It is every other time that is the problem. [b]Likes[/b]: Technology, everyone on his website, the comforting feeling of a blanket in a cold snowy morning, Rum raisin ice cream. [b]Dislikes[/b]: Leaving his room, Hawaiian pizza, cyber-attacks on his website, power outages. [b]Quirks[/b]: When waving someone in greeting or farewell Douglas will always use his left hand instead of right. Seeing real fire, no matter how controlled, immediately triggers his fight or flight response. [b]Brief History[/b]: The idea that there are monsters who could devour one’s very existence with the victim being completely helpless – potentially not even realizing it – and the fading from existence, completely forgotten by the world is, especially to a seven year old, utterly terrifying. Nevertheless, it was precisely what seven year old Douglas Yeats was forced to contend with. Born in New York, Douglas lived with _____ and _____ who had a loving, stable family with him. Each day _____ would wake him up and go to the kitchen with him where _____ would be waiting for him with a smile. Living like any seven year old should, Douglas simply went to school, played around, got into scrapes and grew up normally. One day, heading out into the shopping mall with his _____ and _____ he got separated with them and was crying in the middle of the plaza. It was a kind elderly gentleman who came to his aid and helped to rescue his parents. During their time together he calmed Douglas by telling him a story – a story of heroes and monsters, of villains who ate the existence of humans and heroes who stopped them. It would only be after it was too late that Douglas understood that the gentleman who helped him was a very, very irresponsible member of Outlaw who naively believed that, to Douglas, such a thing would only ever be a make believe story told to a child. But in terms of the world, it was enough. Douglas had “knowledge” of the underground war. Which was why when _____ and _____ disappeared, he was convinced that everyone around him was crazy. How, after all, could the world have spontaneously forgotten his parents? As the police were puzzled over how this child could have appeared out of nowhere, living in an apartment completely empty and deserted except for a few drawings on the fridge and a clean child’s room he was approached by the same gentleman as before who claimed to be his uncle. Following him to Boston and moving in with him, Douglas took a very long time to forget the complete vanishing of his family. Struck by complete fear over the revelation that the stories told by the man were true and that there were monsters that could make him vanish without him even realizing it Douglas completely barricaded himself in the room the man left for him. Although he tried to coax Douglas out several times Douglas was adamant in staying. As if accepting that, his “uncle” instead bought Douglas a computer so that, at the very least, he could touch the outside world through the internet. Having a distraction for the first time in his life, Douglas began to become immersed in computers. For him, it was more than a hobby: It was a lifeline, something with which to distract himself from the reality that a shadow war raged in which he could constantly be collateral damage in. Soon, in lieu of science, history and mathematics he became skilled in programming, hacking and cyber security. When Douglas was fifteen his Uncle returned home from work and asked a request of him. He explained that, as technology moved forward he wanted Douglas to help him build an online network to better help the human members of Outlaw, the organizations which supported Flame Hazes. Douglas did so, creating several layers of security, from firewalls to cover sites which made everything seem like the discussion of a group of fantasy enthusiasts. And thus, under the administration of Douglas, who took the username “Anonymous Millennial Upstart Pretender” and his Uncle, who took the username “_____,” Hazenet was born. One year into Hazenet’s launch, Douglas was getting dressed to go outside, excited to leave the apartment for the first time in a while. His uncle had promised to take him out and treat him to a nice dinner to celebrate the first year anniversary of Hazenet. Reaching for his Jacket, Douglas suddenly stopped. Why was he getting dressed? Why was he going outside? Hesitating for a few moments, it was then that he finally recalled his uncle. Fearing the worst, he immediately logged into Hazenet and found the usual entrance page with a welcome message from Anonymous Millennial Upstart Pretender, the site’s one and only admin. The user “_____” did not exist. The user “_____” never existed. Realizing what had happened and that his uncle must have fallen prey to the monsters he called “Crimson Denizens”, just like _____ and _____, Douglas remained a shut in since. With the death of his Uncle, there was no one who remembered a person such as Douglas Yeats existed. That was alright with him. No one knew who “Anonymous Millennial Upstart Pretender” was. Any link to his identity disappeared along with “_____”. He had, with the disappearance of his uncle, found himself in the perfect position to become the mysterious administrator of the Outlaw’s online network. [b]Combat[/b] [b]Weapons[/b]: None. [b]Color of Flame[/b]: Douglas… isn’t a Flame Haze. The color of his flame is normal. [b]Powers[/b]: Information Analysis – One of Douglas’ best skills, he is adept at scanning through multiple sources of information and making relevant, important connections before disseminating that information to the people – both Human and Flame Haze – who need it. [b]Unrestricted Spells[/b]: None [b]Equipment[/b]: Hazenet – an online site which is administered by Douglas under his Title, Hazenet is a site especially popular with Millennial Outlaw members. Serving primarily as a discussion and global information sharing network between various Outlaw branches and organizations, Douglas can use Hazenet and his position as an Administrator to get various pieces of information and organize accommodation and transportation for Flame Hazes in Boston. It is well known that the “Anonymous Millennial Upstart Pretender” is in Massachusetts but for a Crimson Denizen there is no way to surely eliminate him without wiping out the entire state itself. Aside from serious information sharing, younger Outlaw members also utilize the chatrooms to talk, relax and even rant about some of the experiences they have gone through over being involved in the war between Crimson Denizens and Flame Hazes. Wristwatch : A wristwatch that also serves as a charm, it allows him to move around during Fuzetsu. It were given to him by a local Flame Haze whom he got in touch with as a part of his contingency plans. Treasure Tool: Tarnhelm – a Treasure Tool which grants the user invisibility, hiding his existence for a short period of time. Should it be used too long there is a danger that the existence of the user would permanently disappear. Tarnhelm was given to Douglas by the same Flame Haze who gave him the wristwatch. Laptop: A powerful laptop which Douglas uses in case his location is, as he put it, “compromised”. He can run Hazenet from it. [b]Misc[/b] [b]Theme[/b]: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPLPY8sHyQw&list=PLA4238B754ACBD077]Bloody Monday - Log In[/url] [b]Others[/b]: In order to ensure that someone can take over Hazenet in case he… “disappears”, Douglas revealed his identity to only a select few Flame Hazes in Boston. They serve as people whom he can go to in case he is targeted and will ensure Hazenet’s continued existence after he is gone. [/hider]