[hider=Lucien Lothringen, "Defender of the Light"] Name: Lucien Lothringen Gender: Male Age: Appears within his mid 20s. The actual age for the character is nearly 600 years. Title: Defender of the Light Appearance: Height: 182 cm Weight: 71 kg Hair: Blue Eyes: Red Skin: White Image or Description: [hider=appearance] [img] http://i.imgur.com/LlKbyZJ.jpg [/img] [/hider] Bio Personality: Within a normal setting, Lucien is the sort of person who enjoys the luxuries and indulgences of the modern world. He acts as an agreeable youth acting out the role of one gentle in disposition yet strong in body, and is typically easy to get along with. Brave, compassionate, and likeable, though his actions within combat tend to shift. Lucien tends to act fierce within the confines of a battle. He isn't the sort of person to rush foolhardy into things if given the ability to take battles more methodically, even if he can get heated and lost in the lust of combat. He will mercilessly kill his enemies on the battlefield, but will never dishonor them. However, at the core of his being, he believes in justice and will try to protect those he can, regardless of the disposition he would be placed within in order to do so. Someone who always valued strength; the strength to protect oneself, and the things one might consider important it above all other qualms within life. Despite his pursuit of great power, Lucien is also someone who believes that ones who have power must protect as many as they can possibly protect. Such is the ways of those in power; ones with ability to should never neglect another, as doing so would be a misuse of their abilities. He tends to comes off as a fairly friendly, though rowdy individual. Because of his philosophy on strength, he often helps those less fortunate than himself, even though he may make a few ill-mannered statements and the like. Though rather friendly, Lucien is not often aware of the impact of his words on others, and can often get into fights against others due to these sorts of statements. One should expect blunt statements from him. He isn't one to sugar coat things and often comes off badly because of this. He possesses a fairly upstanding code of moral conduct, probably being best described as a "threshold deontologist," and when him deems a certain act to outweigh any others in terms of an eventual moral consideration, will devote himself entirely to that route. This further ties into his usual bluntness as when he is acting towards such a goal, he will rarely try to skirt around the issue when it is brought up. Likes: Strength, Fighting against a strong opponent, Good spirits and wine, Flowers, the smile of a pretty girl. Dislikes: Those who would dishonor a battle and betrayal, Concepts such as fate Quirks: Lucien is often the sort of person to make promises he can hardly keep, then attempt his best to maintain the promise, even if it would be disadvantageous for him to do so. Brief History: There was once a great war. One that men were needed to fight. A silly war which the sons of the sons of those who had started it had forgotten what the war was truly about. However, being that it was a war, mercenary work was on the rise. A young Lucien, orphaned by the war and the only person to care for his younger sister, chose to take this work. Battle after battle didn’t matter. The pointless war existed to provide his sister with what was required to live, and those who didn’t work didn’t receive food. But during the war, his home village was pillaged, and in the chaos of the battle his sister was killed. Without a reason to exist, Lucien simply fought battle after battle, hoping that he would eventually die. Perhaps it was circumstance that Lucien met her. Someone who offered the man, hardly in his 20s, an alternative to death on the battlefield. A war known not to the average person. A cause which Lucien wished to take part of, igniting his former youth and lessening his melancholy regarding the loss of his family. Since then, Lucien had traveled the world, ensuring that the balance of existence was retained, the goal of the person who had saved him from a path of destruction are defeated. From the Rhine to the alps, Siberia to Boston, Lucien will continue his travels until finally defeated. Combat Weapons: Thunderstruck: Spear of the Unconquered Sky: A treasure tool utilized by Lucien. Simply put, As if lightning itself, the spear allows the user to move at speeds almost incomprehensible to someone’s understanding. Utilizing this weapon, Lucien boasts himself to be the fastest man alive, as he had met few who can rival his speed, let alone match it. In addition to this effect, Lucien can use the weapon in conjunction with his own lightning ability, as the weapon is efficient at conducting his own abilities. Color of Flame: Burgundy Powers: Lightning: The ability to create and channel electricity to inflict damage to an opponent. Though simple in conception, the ability has various applications, such as creating strong electric attacks, currents, and electromagnetism. Spear Fighting: Although typically this would be seen as a mundane ability, through years of combat Lucien was able to master the use of the spear. There are hardly any spear men who could match his prowess with the weapon. Unrestricted Spells: Seal; places an area inside of a seal. Restoration; restores a sealed area to its original state, including the creation of Torches, the greater the damage to be undone, the more power of existence will be consumed. Repair: A simple ability which allows for the restoration of vitality Perception: The ability to both increase the reaction rate of an individual as well as granting an understanding of surroundings similar to a tracking spell. Equipment: Armor: A simple armor that protects where it needs to. Though it is almost pointless within the confines of a fight against stronger foes, the armor isn't heavy enough to weigh him down in any way, Throwing knives: Simple in construction. Can hold a “charge” of electricity. Crimson Lord Name: Seina True Name/Title: The Pontiff of Order Gender: Female Keepsake: An Earing, dear to Lucien, which he wears on his right ear. A memory of a time before his current life... Personality: In Lucien’s words, Seina is boring. A no-nonsense sort of individual who always wishes to get to the point and rarely has time at all for anything that would compromise an objective. An issue, seeing as Lucien tends to either make stupid promises he refuses not to keep. If there was a single phrase to describe the Crimson Lord Seina it would be efficient. The sort of person who methodically plans the best way to get to point A to B, even to the point where she is both prideful and haughty about these sorts of things. Therefore, one could say she is unforgiving and gives an impression of being cold and cruel because of her belief that most things and events are “normal” such as mortality and existence.. Though she does get into conflict with Lucien over a few instances of his choice, she does recognize his understanding of combat and supports him, much to her own chargrin. Misc Theme: [youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SoXxnlCUqk [/youtube] Others: Despite living for a rather long time, Lucien has an interest in modern technology and the like, thinking that they are rather “cool”. [/hider]