There stood the walls of Jelkala: tall, wide, ugly, and wonderful. Ethelbert couldn't say it was great being back home, but neither could he deny feeling a weird satisfaction on his return. As he approached the city walls, Ethelbert remembered an old poem. "And thus returns the repented dog, with the tail between his legs and a broken snout", he murmured to himself. And it didn't take long for Ethelbert to realize he might as well had been a dog entering the city. "Would the guards dare speak like this to any other Lord?", he asked himself. But he wasn't any other Lord, he was Ethelbert Arderne, and he barely looked like he filled the position, something he was very aware of. For a second he considered being subtle, pass off as a nobody, buy time as he re-learned the politics of the land. That second passed quicker than any before it. "My named is Ethelbert Arderne, the ONLY son and ONE true heir of the now deceased Lord Arderne, and I've come to speak with King Graveth, under whom you serve."