[hider=Jessica's Relationships][center][h1][color=silver]Jessica 'Invincible' Sterling[/color][/h1] [img]http://media.comicbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/shield13-e1385753927149.jpg[/img] [color=silver]{[/color][i]"I'm a threat to everyone around me. I can't afford to let anyone too close. It's for their own safety."[/i][color=silver]}[/color] ⚜ Acquaintances || ☯ Neutral ||☮ Friends || ♫ Best Friends || ♥ Love Interest || ⚤ Boyfriend/Girlfriend ||☠ Enemies[/center][hr][hr] ☠[color=ed1c24][b]J A M E S . S P I N N E[/b][/color]☠ [i]"Don't like anything about him. We're basically polar opposites."[/i] Jessica and James have only interacted twice. Neither plan to bump into the other ever again, if they can help it. ☯[color=ABB2B9][b]A L L E N . H O P S[/b][/color]☯ [i]"He's harmless enough."[/i] Jessica and Allen have yet to interact. ☯[color=D8BFD8][b]M I L O . U S H K O W I T Z[/b][/color]☯ [i]"Poor guy. I don't know how he can handle having a constant target painted on his back. Lucky for him he has a few people to look out for him. We don't all have that luxury."[/i] Jessica and Milo have yet to interact. ☯[color=00aeef][b]C A R M E N . C H A V A N A[/b][/color]☯ [i]"Her past makes her a little suspect, but she's one of us."[/i] Jessica and Carmen have yet to interact. ☯[color=0072bc][b]T E R R A N C E . O ' B R I E N[/b][/color]☯ [i]"Terrance seems a typical student, honestly. Nothing too special about him. He tries a little too hard to look like a hero, though."[/i] Jessica and Terrance have yet to interact. ☮[color=darkcyan][b]E L I A N A . L O V E L A C E[/b][/color]☮ [i]Ellie's one of the only people on campus I'd ever call friend. We have quite a bit in common, actually. I haven't told her much about my past, but if I to ever tell anyone...Yeah, it'd be her. I'll always have her back; and I'm confident she'd do the same for me. Heh. We actually met when she was trying to move into the dorms. I guess she wanted to do it all herself, buuut that wasn't working out all that well for her. I came in and carried it all inside for her; didn't wait to ask if she wanted me to help. I just did. Not sure she was too fond of me swooping in to save the day but it got us talking. The rest is history. A very short, month-long history. [/i] Ellie is Jessica's closest friend at Mayweather. And, ya know, only friend.[/hider] [hider=Sophomores]☠[color=#FFBF00][b]S A M U E L . K E A T S[/b][/color]☠ [i]"He and Lucas are assholes. Seriously, I can't stand watching them prey on the weak and defenseless. It's despicable. I've been tempted to step in a few times; luckily for them, other people always seem to get there first. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he tries and hits me and ends up almost breaking his hand."[/i] Jess has watched Keats for some time now, but the two have yet to interact. ☯[color=#FFD75B][b]H A R O L D . J F F E R S O N ( I I I )[/b][/color]☯ [i]"Harold tells it how it is. That can be a good thing. After all, there are plenty of people who need to hear the truth. But it can turn out rather badly too. The guy just needs to learn restraint."[/i] Jessica and Harold have yet to interact. ☯[color=deepskyblue][b]W I L L . B L A K E[/b][/color]☯ [i]"He's a good guy. Charming, kind, sorta cute in a way. Not my type though."[/i] Jessica and Will have yet to interact. ☠[color=powderblue][b]B R E N N A . L A N C A S T E R[/b][/color]☠ [i]"She's manipulative, charismatic and beautiful. As dangerous a combination as any. Her powers make her a significant threat too. I'm going to avoid her as much as possible."[/i] Jessica and Brenna have yet to interact. ☯[color=springgreen][b]A V A L O N . M I D D L E T O N[/b][/color]☯ [i]"Don't know much about her. I've heard rumors, but I don't make judgement calls based on gossip."[/i] Jessica and Avalon have yet to interact. [/hider] [hider=Juniors]☯[color=868324][b]J A C K S O N . H U N T[/b][/color]☯ [i]"The guy keeps to himself, mostly. I don't blame him, of course; I'd be a hypocrite if I did. I should talk to him at some point. Us loners have to stick together, right?"[/i] Jessica and Jackson have yet to interact. ☠[color=215435][b]M I T C H E L L . D A N F O R D[/b][/color]☠ [i]"Haven't spoken to him. Never want to. Everything about the guy just screams creep. "[/i] Jess and Mitch have yet to interact. ☠[color=662d91][b]L U C A S . F A R W E I G H T[/b][/color]☠ [i]"He and Samuel are assholes. Seriously, I can't stand watching them prey on the weak and defenseless. It's despicable. I've been tempted to step in a few times; luckily for them, other people always seem to get there first. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he tries and hits me and ends up almost breaking his hand.""[/i] Jess has watched Lucas for some time now, but the two have yet to interact.