[@bbyangellike] AAAAh! WELCOME BACK! and OF COURSE you can make a character! Can't wait to see ^_^ [quote=@Arty Fox] it's the reunion arc of this whole thing where all the original cast get back together and reminisce about old times. Where should I jump back in with Charles? As far as I can see everyone is now at TRIDENT HQ with a few peeps in a meeting room and a few others outside the meeting room somewhere? [/quote] YES. So everyone is back in HQ! You can say that Charles hitched a ride back with the team that basically rescued everyone. There were plenty of good reasons/excuses for him to get separated, collapse of tunnels, the dragon, whatever. I'll let you decide why he is 'late' maybe he got hurt... or just slept in. ^_^ I'll PM you with some details. He would have been informed of things that happened to everyone. I'll save you some reading. :P Also. I PASSED MY LICENCING EXAM TODAY! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! Your GM is OFFICIALLY and LEGALLY a MASSAGE THERAPIST!