[@Weird Tales][@kejmur] Gregory had spent his morning tending to himself a few of the other birds that had followed him around. After his morning routine of preening and making sure the other birds were loyal he took off flying towards Rothar. His current group was small, consisting of a few dozen pigeons like himself, about five geese and a few rather large turkey vultures. There was shadow cast from his group flying over the city, they only blocked out the sun momentarily but only enough to be noticed for about a minute. Soon enough he and his group made their way to the magical jobs institute. Unlike most adventurers he was there to hire. A large crowd gathered around his group of birds as they walked in. The Turkey vultures acted as if they were the leader, the great thing about Gregorys telepathy was that no one ever knew where it was coming from and he could have the large turkey vultures act as if they were him. He and a few other birds took out a roll of paper which had a mission written on it. It read: "Those who are willing to dive into finding a knew kind of magic. We want to learn how to teach other birds like ourselves to use magic, help us and you will be payed a hefty reward." Many people within the institute looked at the message for a bit before leaving, believing that there was no way these birds could pay, not to mention how dangerous it was to imbue animals with magic of their own. "Help us! It is my life long goal to make others birds like me, my life span is not long but I wish to carry on my legacy!" Gregory pleaded to the crowd hoping someone would listen to his plead.