[h3]Iron Enigma - Throughout Crocus[/h3]Luna yawned as she sat up from her bed that morning. She still felt exhausted from her battles yesterday, and having slept in her day clothes hand't been particularly comfortable either. Her arms had hurt so much and she had been so tired when she had finally moved to go to bed that she had decided that she should just sleep in her day clothes instead. She didn't really regret the decision, but it had still left indents in her clothes. She looked over at the bathroom door and wondered if she should even bother taking a shower before getting up for the day. She made her decision the same time she tried to get off the bed using her arms. Somehow they hurt worse this morning than they had last night before she had gone to bed. Maybe that was an effect of the painkillers they had given her completely wearing off. Once she had finally managed to maneuver herself off the edge of the bed, she turned her head to look at the other bed in the room. Seemed that Arie had already gotten up for the day, but she was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she was down eating breakfast in the main room of the hotel? Once Luna was ready, she headed down the stairs towards the hotel main lobby, and found that her inference was correct, Arie had already gotten up and come down to eat. Though it seemed no one else was there. Arie smiled when she saw her roommate and motioned for the younger girl to come over and sit beside her. [color=FF91A1]"Salutations Moon, did slumber find you well?"[/color] She asked in her sweet voice and polite cadence. Luna just shook her head. [color=0000FF]"No,"[/color] the young sorceress winced slightly at how flat and harsh that was. Maybe she was hurting more than she had let on to herself before. Arie seemed unfazed however, and continued to smile sweetly at Luna. [color=0000FF]"Am I up early or late?"[/color] [color=FF91A1]"Most all our acquaintances have departed for the morning, yes,"[/color] Arie answered, giving Luna a gentle hug as she sat down next to the telekinetic mage. [color=FF91A1]"Are your arms well? I recall your complaints of them causing you distress, but I can only envision how they must feel now."[/color] [color=0000FF]"They hurt like a sonofabitch,"[/color] as soon as Luna heard what she was about to say, she quickly sped it up, hoping that Arie wouldn't catch that she had cursed, and she felt her cheeks turn hot. Arie just chuckled slightly and rubbed her back. [color=FF91A1]"Aww, my little moon is starting to grow up into a wonderful young woman,"[/color] Arie giggled slightly and gave Luna a little noogie. [color=FF91A1]"Don't concern yourself little moon, I won't concern any of our other guild members with your words. Let us put something on our plates first,"[/color] Luna blushed more, and pushed Arie's arms away from her head. [color=0000FF]"Th-thank you for your discretion Arie. B-breakfast would be nice."[/color] [hr] Mark sighed as Laynette bowled another 100 points on the skee ball game. That was her third victory in a row. [color=FFDDD0]"How are you doing that? You've only got one foot to stand on! You don't even have a crutch since they made you leave everything at the door!"[/color] Laynette giggled, and stuck her tongue out on him. [color=pink]"Maybe you're just bad,"[/color] she offered, smiling coyly at him. He just rolled his eyes. [color=ffDDD0]"Right, yeah. I think your cheating,"[/color] Mark said, groaning as he rolled another ten. [color=pink]"How do you even cheat at Skee Ball without any magic? If anything, [i]you[/i] should be the one cheating,"[/color] Laynette grinned harder at him, grabbing onto the edge of the next machine over to keep herself from losing her balance and falling over. [color=FFDDD0]"That's exactly my point!"[/color] Mark explained, exasperated. Laynette giggled and gently grabbed his arm and leaning on him after he launched his next ball down the lane. [color=FFDDD0]"Maybe we could go do something else,"[/color] Mark suggested as the ball even missed the 10 point hole that time. Laynette smiled. [color=pink]"Oh fine. I guess we can do something else. Maybe... We could do a ring toss or soemthing?"[/color] [color=FFDDD0]"Oh no-no-no. How about something like... An eating contest,"[/color] Mark suggested. [color=pink]"Sure,"[/color] Laynette grinned, and suddenly Mark didn't feel so sure about the idea. [hr]Jacob yawned as he sat down on the roof one one of the castle towers, staring out across the city quietly. He hummed quietly to himself as he gently unpacked his food next to him. A nice, autumn day out in the sun. As he smiled to himself and looked back towards his food, he suddenly found that Deyja was sitting there next to him. [color=00FF00]"Holy shit man, how do you even get up here that fast and so... quietly?"[/color] [color=000000]"I was already up here. E-enough for two?"[/color] The shadow mage would speak quietly, almost unintelligible over the wind. [color=00FF00]"I mean, there's enough for two if we ration it out properly, yeah. You... You weren't already up here, I would've seen you... How did you even get up here?"[/color] Jacob was completely baffled at his friends ability to seem to get just about anywhere if he thought it was lonelier than where he already was. [color=black]"I climbed. Nuts?"[/color] Jacob still looked fairly confused. [color=00FF00]"No nuts. You climbed? All the way up here? Without getting murdered by guards or something?"[/color] Jacob handed his guildmate half of his sandwich. [color=black]"Thank you. The guards never noticed, just let me climb up. One girl cheered me on. Didn't you see me when you flew around?"[/color] Deyja took the half a sandwich and bit into it, staring off into space silently besides the soft munching of lettuce in his mouth. [color=00FF00]"No, I didn't see you. Weird... Do you like my sandwich?"[/color] Jacob bit into his half of the sandwich, watching his friend, curious as to if he would enlighten him as to how he ascended the tower without being seen. [color=black]"Yeah, it's tasty, thank you for sharing. Maybe I can buy you one later,"[/color] Deyja suddenly slid off the roof of the tower onto its balcony, leaving Jacob up on the roof blinking confusedly and slowly munching on the half of the sandwich he still had. [hr] Arie hummed softly as she and Luna walked through Crocus, looking up at the huge buildings and strange people they found themselves among. This was the first time Luna had ever really been in a major city before. The few times she had, it was on a mission, so she had to keep away from all the hustle and bustle, except for the one time she had gone to visit Phoenix Wing for her guild, but she didn't really stay in Magnolia long enough to enjoy the sights and really experience the atmosphere there. Now she didn't have any real time limit, other than she had to be back at the guild hall by three so that they could leave. An event for which Luna was excited for, as they'd finally be on their way to meeting Melina again. It had been so long, and Luna couldn't wait. Arie, however, insisted that they go out and see the sights instead of staying at home and daydreaming about when they met up with their former guild member; there would be plenty of time for Luna to do it while she was on her way. It had taken a little bit of arguing to convince Luna that missing the last day of the games was the thing to do however. In truth, Iron Enigma would probably have to miss the last day evenif they stayed in Crocus. Their guild had taken a serious beating over the past week, and they didn't have five members who could compete in the games without risk of permanent injuries anymore. Mark had a broken rib, Luna's arms were cracked, Laynette's foot was broken, Deyja had internal and external bruising, Solux was a no-no on the fact he'd go too far, and the rest of the guild had been injured on the attack on Iron Enigma. The thought of that event made Luna's hand cench slightly tighter around Arie's, but she managed to relax it before her flamboyant friend really noticed anything was wrong. Taking a deep breath, Luna looked up at the sky. [color=0000FF]"So, how do you think us leaving the game spontaneously is going to go over?"[/color] She asked quietly, hoping to not catch the attention of anyone that may be interested in the games. She managed to succeed, fortunately. [color=FF91A1]"Oh, Mister Sheldon will likely be befuddled and vexed. After he gets a hold of his emotions it is likely that they will try to displace an alternate team from the game to return it to an even number,"[/color] Arie answered, turning towards her friend and smiling gently at her, squeezing her hand a little playfully. [color=FF91A1]"Are you concerned over the events yet to come?"[/color] Luna nodded. [color0000FF]"I am a little afraid of what might happen, yeah,"[/color] Luna blushed slightly, looking down at her feet. Arie let go of her hand, lifting it up and gently stroked Luna's head, causing her to look up slightly. [color=ff91A1]"Hey, don't concern yourself over such trivialities, dear Moon. All will find itself the way it deserves to be, correct?"[/color] Arie reassured her. [color=0000FF]"Y-yeah, I guess it will,"[/color] Luna said softly, kicking a rock and sending it skittering around on the pavement. [color=0000FF]"What... What do you think of Phoenix Wing?"[/color] [color=FF91A1]"Phoenix Wing? What concern have you over them?"[/color] Arie looked down at Luna, and, seeing her face, decided to go ahead and answer the younger girl's question first. [color=FF91A1]"Well, I think Phoenix Wing is consumed with persons who are a small bit more full of justice and righteousness than they should be. They put their ideologies hypocritically above those outside their guild, but are quick to dismiss the failings of their own members. However, they are only human, and it is not as if we don't do some of the same. What I detest most about that guild is that they attempt to force ideologies onto others, while we are content to let be what be."[/color] Luna nodded, wringing her wrist. [color=0000FF]'Y-yeah, okay. Uhm, just, uh... I'm... Not as blind as I think some people think I am. Uhm, is that... A good explanation as to, uh, why I asked?"[/color] Arie nodded, and hugged Luna. [color=FF91A1]"Ah... Yeah, it was,"[/color] was all that Arie could manage. [hr][color=FFDDD0]"So, you've beaten me at skee ball and then at eating, what next, running?"[/color] Laynette giggled, gently pushing Mark's side. [color=pink]"I dunno, I was thinking arm-wrestling,"[/color] she joked, relaxing as she watched a merry-go-round spin slowly in circles. Her stomach felt ready to burst at the seams. [color=pink]"After that maybe we could try Air Hockey or something?"[/color] [color=FFDDD0]"I say we skip right to the air hockey,"[/color] Mark suggested, having been sitting next to Laynette on the park bench they had found themselves on. He was watching a squirrel scramble around trying to find where it had left some of its nuts. [color=FFDDD0]"Or maybe head back to the hotel."[/color] Laynette gave mark a sly look before responding, elbowing his side gently. [color=pink]"Are you propositioning me, Mark?"[/color] Her guildmate's cheeks suddenly turned red. [color=FFDDD0]"W-wha? N-no! That's not at all what I meant! I just meant that I was tired and wanted a nap!"[/color] Mark held up his hands defensively, waving them as if he was trying to ward off the very idea. [color=FFDDD0]"I would never-"[/color] [color=pink]"Oh, so I repulse you, huh?"[/color] [color=FFDDD0]"That's not what I meant either! Y-you're not repulsive j-just I've never thought of you in that way!"[/color] Laynette laughed, and patted Mark's shoulder. [color=pink]"Don't..."[/color] Laynette interrupted herself with another chuckle. [color=pink]"Don't worry about it Mark, I'm just yanking your chain,"[/color] she leaned in and kissed his cheek, which did nothing to alleviate his fears. [color=pink]"Let's grab a drink then let's go see if we can't find a Ferris wheel or something to ride."[/color] Laynette would grab Mark's shoulder to help her stand up before grabbing her glaive from its resting place leaning against a nearby tree. It was a shame what was inevitably going to happen to the guild, Laynette thought, it might've been interesting to date Mark for a whole. [color=FFDDD0]"A-alright. I'll pay."[/color] [hr]Grant watched as another flourish of green and blue fire launched itself into the sky, much to the amusement of the crowd that had gathered around to watch the display of magic. Unfortunately for the crowd, the display was almost over, and after one last rainbow flourish in a draconian shape, the girl who was the source of the event would bow deeply to the round of applause the crowd was giving her. [color=purple]"Thank you, thank you. I unfortunately can't do another show,"[/color] this would be met with awws, mostly from the younger children. [color=purple]"But I appreciate that you all enjoyed the show, see you next year! Maybe,"[/color] the woman smiled, and took one last bow before going to make her way through the crowd, meeting up with Grant as she did. [color=Purple]"Enjoy the show, Vale?"[/color] She would ask, her voice surprisingly cold to her own guildmate. Grant just shrugged. [color=Crimson]"I only really caught the end of it, but it looked like it was a pretty neat show,"[/color] Grant replied, putting an arm around the younger girl's shoulders. She shrugged them off, and pushed him away slightly with one arm. [color=purple]"Hey, hands off. We're just members of the same guild, and you're too old to even try to date me. And while I doubt that you're going to get arrested at any point in your life I'd like if you had at least one moral. Not to mention I don't want to date you anyway. So just... Keep your hands to yourself,"[/color] her voice was harsh, and Grant rolled his eyes at her words. [color=Crimson]"I'm not trying to put the moves on you, I'm just trying to show a little bit of affection for another member of my guild, alright? Jeeze, you make me sound like some kind of sicko,"[/color] Grant let himself pretend to be offended, but the girl just rolled her eyes at him. [color=purple]"You are a sicko. You kill, lie, torture, and steal just for your own amusement. While I'm only really opposed to one of those, the enjoyment you seem to extract from it... It's disturbing. Now keep your arms off me, alright? And you aren't showing affection anything. I don't even think you have that emotion for people,"[/color] she would try to dodge away from Grant into a cafe nearby, but he would follow her, causing her to roll her eyes and sigh softly. [color=crimson]"Oh come one, you can't say you're [i]that[/i] repulsed by me, can you? I'm just your friendly neighborhood blood mage, right?"[/color] [color=purple]"Look, just keep away from me is all I'm asking. I don't want to be guilty by association or anything like that. I just want some coffee and a nice little snack before I go on to the next thing on my agenda for today."[/color] [color=crimson]"Oh, and what is this next thing on your agenda?"[/color] [color=purple]"Oh, wouldn't you like to know. I'm not telling you it so you can just come over and crash my time. Now go away, or I'm going to tell Master Vale all about you trying to molest me on the street."[/color] [color=crimson]"There's no need to-"[/color] [color=purple]"I said go away, dammit!"[/color] She would turn towards him with an angry, and exasperated, look, and pushed him away slightly. Grant sighed, and turned to leave. [color=crimson]"Fine then, miss bossy Drake."[/color] [color=purple]"Maybe there's a reason my name is what it is, Vale, now get lost! Sick of looking at your face."[/color] [color=crimson]"Someone's gotten all their insults from a kindergarten playground today."[/color] [color=purple]"Oh go stuff it and get lost already!"[/color] Drake broke off the conversation by just walking to the line in the Cafe, ignoring any latent remarks by her guildmate. She was tired of having to deal with him all the time for the past week. Once they all went off to go catch up with his sister, at the very least, things would go back to some kind of normal where Drake could be off on jobs all the time and so she'd only have to deal with him in short bursts of time. After Drake got her coffee and sat down at a table, she managed to procure a copy of Sorcerer Weekly's latest issue and began flipping through it idly. None of it seem particularly interesting to her, partially because she had already read it once, partially because it was dis-interesting to her anyway. Sighing, she discarded the magazine and finished her coffee before heading out into town. She was going to find something interesting ti do today, even if it was something illegal. Maybe she could mess with some of those people from other guilds, that could be interesting. She considered the idea for a while, before standing up, throwing away the Styrofoam cup before heading out into the Crocus streets.