[hr] [center][h1][color=thistle]Amheurst[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] The familiar sound of combat, shouts and fire, and.. [i]Oh...gods...the pain...![/i] Amheurst cried out as the [b]Mindskitter[/b] withdrew its tendrils. Thoughts & memories flashed in distant echoes of agony. This was a pain that rendered his half plate armor useless and forced Amheurst to drop his broken blade. He fell to his knees clutching his ears in pain and then all went dark as he slumped over unconscious. Memories flooded his mind that were not his. Oceans and willow'o whisps, lost mothers and a hunger that was insatiable. His eyes flashed open and he sat up next to the girl named... Gish. [i]How do I know her name? Was it that...thing?[/i] The [s]man[/s] creature with the lantern was giving comfort to the poor girl. A strange sight in the gloomy cavern. The crowd around the bonfire had dispersed in the ruckus, each shadowy figure fleeing to...wherever. The halls were endless after all. [color=dimgray]"What happened? Where's the leech thing?"[/color] [color=thistle]"It attacked me,"[/color] said Amheurst. [color=thistle]"I think it was...feeding on my [i]memories[/i]. Is it gone?"[/color] Amheurst recovered his broken blade and slowly staggered to his feet.