[hider=Claret] [center][color=b22222][h2]C L A R E T[/h2][/color][url=http://youtu.be/B7P3xC4HWXc][i]Come down, come down; Can you feel it bound you surround you?[/i][/url][/center] [b][i][color=b22222]A G E:[/color][/i][/b] [indent]19[/indent] [b][i][color=b22222]A P P E A R A N C E:[/color][/i][/b] [indent]Claret stands at five foot four, shorter than average for her age group, with a slightly athletic build. Her wine red hair is cropped short, falling just an inch above her shoulders and pointing in different directions, with a few strands styled into a small braid tucked to her left and dyed a sable black. Her eyes are a light green and are often narrowed into cat-like slits. Her clothing tends to be more casual, with a dark brown leather vest above a simple dark grey shirt, but no matter what she wears, she always has a wolf fang that hangs from her silver necklace.[/indent] [b][i][color=b22222]P E R S O N A L I T Y:[/color][/i][/b] [indent]Claret is easy-going and cheerful, with her lazy smirk and bright smile making her seem approachable to almost anyone. She finds it easy to talk to all sorts of people, from crooked criminals hanging out in deserted alleys to the posh nobles sitting comfortably in their thrones. This kind of behaviour makes it easy for her to persuade people into doing what she wants and seeing things her way. She does, however, have a tendency to become carried away especially when experiencing extreme bouts of anger or having her sadistic tendencies triggered. During these times, the cheerful Claret disappears only to be replaced with a bloodthirsty beast, which is why she tries her hardest to never reach this point. Not again.[/indent] [b][i][color=b22222]W E A P O N:[/color][/i][/b] [indent]Claret's weapon of choice is a pair of short swords, each made from a thousand layers of steel. Each sword had been made especially for her, allowing her ease in using them as though they're simply extensions of her own arms. She strikes from the shadows, fast and deadly with her swords, leaving her target either subdued or killed within seconds. Her fighting style, however, makes her an easy target as she has no way of defending herself other than a simple parry of her swords and her speed.[/indent] [b][i][color=b22222]O T H E R:[/color][/i][/b] [indent]Claret acts as one of the camp's agents and specializes in gathering information, through both spying and torture, from their targets. During one of her previous missions, Claret had been tasked to abduct a daughter of a nobleman in exchange for a hefty ransom, but found that the daughter wished to joing their camp. She now looks after Peridot.[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Peridot] [center][color=228b22][h2]P E R I D O T[/h2][/color][/center] [b][i][color=228b22]A G E:[/color][/i][/b] [indent]10[/indent] [b][i][color=228b22]A P P E A R A N C E:[/color][/i][/b] [indent]Peridot is quite small, and looks even more so compared to the other people in camp. Keeping up with her code name, she had Claret find a way to dye certain parts of her hair green - enough to be noticeable but not so much that she stood out. Her eyes are a light grey and her face littered with freckles. Most of the time, she's seen wearing a dark cloak, with the insides filled with more pockets than she could count, and a necklace similar to Claret's.[/indent] [b][i][color=228b22]P E R S O N A L I T Y:[/color][/i][/b] [indent]Peridot is an agreeable person. She goes along with what the others do to the point of looking like a push-over and many have taken advantage of this attitude - at least until Claret catches them. Despite the way some treat her, Peridot has never dared speak up against them. She keeps up a bright smile and quietly agrees with everything. Still, her assistance tends to stop short when it comes to anything that might harm herself as she would always put her well-being above all else. She's never going to put herself in the forefront of battle and would rather run away than face opposition. She also tends to be focused on one thing for long periods of time, such as creating new traps or potions.[/indent] [b][i][color=228b22]W E A P O N:[/color][/i][/b] [indent]Peridot doesn't fight, at least not head-on. She keeps a variety of traps around her body, which she sets up behind them after a job in order to slow down anyone who tries to go after them. She also deals with creating poisons and tonics, although Claret keeps a close eye on her whenever she does. It's dangerous and she's still a kid, no matter what their line of business might say.[/indent] [b][i][color=228b22]O T H E R:[/color][/i][/b] [indent]Peridot (real name: Henrietta Meredith Mills) is the daughter of a nobleman who has devoted most of his life to tracking down the Crescent Dagger Camp. He hatched a plot to have his daughter be "abducted" by the camp in exchange for ransom, only for the abductor to find out that she wants to join them instead. Peridot agreed, taking up a role as a spy inside the camp, and still occassionally sends out letters to her father.[/indent] [/hider]