[center][h2][color=crimson]❀[/color] [u]Rosalina Idwal[/u] [color=crimson]❀[/color][/h2][i]"[color=Crimson]What about what I want? Did you ever consider that?[/color]"[/i] [i]"[color=Silver]So you want to keep blaming yourself then?[/color]"[/i] ❀ [@Lmpkio] | [@Caits] | [@Expolar] [color=crimson]❀[/color][/center] Rosalina sat with her hands gently folded underneath her chin, one leg crossed over the other. She considered what Carrie had to say on her proposition to conscript Light Guild members into the Rune Knights with her eyes closed in thought. It was true that enlisting known wizards and taking them from their guilds would not do well to help their image at all. Yet on the same note, the idea of bringing complete strangers into the organisation made her uneasy. She didn't voice these concerns, since she knew that the others would call her out for being a hypocrite. Rosalina herself had not belonged to a guild when the Knights enlisted her. Though if she were to be honest, it was for that exact reason that she was so uneasy. There was still so much the Council didn't know about her, nor would they ever know if she had her way. Just how many secrets did those guild-less wizards possess? How many of them would bring danger to the Council? "[color=crimson]That would be a wise decision.[/color]" Rosalina lied, though her tone and inflection would only suggest to the others that she supported the plan entirely. "[color=crimson]It is highly likely there are several rogue wizards gathered here in Crocus for this tournament. Permission to begin recruitment as soon as possible?[/color]" Rosalina was not incredibly keen on the idea of recruiting new members, but she was starting to grow tired of the same company day in and out. The other council members were nice people, and very skilled individuals, but their presence was starting to stagnate with Rosalina. No doubt they felt the exact same way about her. [center][h2][color=MediumPurple]♫[/color] [u]Isabella and Bullet[/u] [color=FireBrick]☠[/Color][/h2][i]"[color=MediumPurple]Promise me that you'll come and talk to me the next time you're feeling upset.[/color]"[/i] [i]"[color=Firebrick]What? Come on, Bella. You don't have to be so weird about it.[/color]"[/i] [color=MediumPurple]♫[/color] [@Zarkun] [color=FireBrick]☠[/Color][/center] Bullet lounged on one of the various couches littered around the lobby whilst Isabella was up and about. The young lady was pacing around the lobby, deep in thought. Bullet sprawled himself out over the couch, yawning whilst scratching at his stomach. His gaze shifted slightly to Isabella, staring with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. "[color=Firebrick]What are you even doing?[/color]" He hung his head off the side of the couch, staring upside down at the ceiling. The sensation was rather uncomfortable, but he wasn't really in the mood to move. Isabella turned her attention to him briefly before continuing her train of thought. Only this time, she thought aloud as to let Bullet know what was bothering her. "[color=MediumPurple]The tournament is going to end soon, which means the big party in the King's Castle is coming up.[/color]" Bullet raised his eyebrow at her. It seemed like such a ludicrous thing to be hung up over. The defeated look on Isabella's face only served to concern him. "[color=Firebrick]Yeah, there's gonna be good food. You'll get to sing and dance with everyone.[/color]" Isabella paused for a moment at his comment before burying her face in her hands. She sighed in frustration before collapsing down on the couch next to Bullet. He sat up properly, not really sure what to say. However in the distance he noticed another young lady that seemed to be just wandering around the lobby. "[color=Firebrick]Hey, Bella, you know that girl?[/color]" He tugged at her hands gently, moving them away from her face so she could see Jane clearly. Her spirits lifted immediately, delighted at the appearance of the stranger. "[color=MediumPurple]No, but I'd like to. She seems perfect for my dilemma![/color]" Isabella instantly bounced up from the couch and dashed over to Jane. "[color=MediumPurple]You, you! Quickly come here! I have something to discuss![/color]" Bullet stared after her with his mouth agape. Just what could be so important that it would require the attention of a stranger?