[@Axel] The meeting hadn't gone as smoothly as Jynmi expected. In fact, other than the head captain's decision of taking aside a few select individuals for the special assignment, there hadn't been a point to it all. Once the head captain had his say everyone just sort of divided up into their own little pairings and groups. The only real point shared with the rest involved the hollows and that wasn't news to anyone. It was agitating to say the least, but captain Imsar decided not to let it bother him, or at least he decided to try not to let it get the better of him. Rationalizing things usually helped. He'd known the head for some time now, and the man had never been one to do things without a reason. Of course, this knowledge didn't change how pointless what was going on seemed to him. Jynmi gritted his teeth, and paused before making his exit in an attempt to figure out who would be the best person to know what was going on. Usually members of the 6th or 12th divisions had a good idea of what was going on. Maybe, that would be the way to go about it? As he stepped out into the bright day captain Malmshode's hands were clasped behind his back, as they tended to do whenever he was deep in thought. It was tempting to use shunpo and reach his division hq as quickly as possible, but currently he couldn't see the point. There wasn't much going on at the moment, and he did his best thing during a normal walk. "So, a walk it shall be" he said to nobody in particular. He got a few steps away from the barracks when the sight of his second in command caught his eyes. "Oh!" He called, walking over towards to the young woman. "Ryuga, funny seeing you here. Is everything alright back at the hq?"