[quote=@Dinh AaronMk] [url=https://youtu.be/8Lnbf6jnkE4?t=1m12s]DOG bless the Great Leaders[/url] [/quote] Historical revisionism? Looks like the directors of that movie get a free vacation in Siberia - it'll be so great, they'll [i]never[/i] wanna leave! Also, completely unrelated, but I believe [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s05zqnfnuD4]this[/url] is what happens when a twelve-year-old discovers porn for the first time, and it's R34 of amy the hedgehog [quote=@Byrd Man] I'll work on a post tonight if it'll stop the memes. [/quote] You cannot stop the memes. We have seized the memes of production, and we will utilize them to their fullest extent, comrade!